Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Thanks!

Sorry, I have been busy tagging and tallying Christmas trees and spending more time on the discussion board.

My issue with your post is that you are calling Glen Beck a liar without posting what it is he has lied about. Had you not posted that I would have had no problem with your post. You admit that you don't watch him much. I'm catching up on some posts here but it sounds like you would try to watch him with an open mind. Glen is a little quirky, but he is pretty good at making things clear and understandable for the average Joe like me.

The federal government (Republican and Democrat) has been broken for a couple decades. The government is out of control and out of touch with common people. There is coruption and waste on a massive scale. Out of control spending, runaway deficits and government takeovers all have awkened the silent majority. I think people are fianally fed up and are taking action to take government back for the people. This country must get back to conservative values such as less government control, less taxes, developing and utilizing our own energy reserves and a strong military. These new leaders may be Democrat, Republican or Libertarian I don't care as long as they are conservative in their approach to government. Carter brought us Reagan I think Obama will bring us another great conservative president in 2012. I also feel confident that conservatives will win the day in the 2010 elections.

I realize we are at opposite ends of our political beliefs. I believe we are more center than to the far left or the far right. We're not going to change each others views so I don't know why we try.

I just don't want government controlling my life or my family's lives more than it already does. I don't want to see the moral fabric of this country torn down like it is. I just want my kids to be able to pursue their dreams and have the same opportunities that my parents and I have had. I want to keep most of the money I work hard for. I don't want government pushing their agenda on me or my family. This is what the founding fathers envisioned for us. We must not lose sight of that vision.

All the best,


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