Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Nidal Hasan, was Homeland Security advisor on Obama transition team

Do you know if this is the Major Nidal Hasan?

If so this is a very important find on your part and should be shared but before I do could you verify who this is?

I wonder why I have not heard this on any of the talk shows I listen to although today I have not had much time to listen in but if it is true it is another indication of the lack of judgement of our President.

In addition now the President is going to add troops but wants to have a new tax to pay for them. Interesting the primary goal via the Constitution is for the federal govt to protect America and it's interests. So we already pay taxes but this President feels that the constitution does not matter and he feels that the money we currently pay should go to AARP (do they realize that Obama wants to gut medicare which would hurt seniors the most?), Illegal Aliens, Universal Health Care change instead of proper reform which would go a long way to solving our health care problems. He takes our taxes and bails out Goldman Sachs, GM and now wants to run the airlines and the local transportation systems. This man is so involved with everything but what he should be involved in.

I could go on but I will look forward to your response regarding Hasan.

God Bless


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