Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: We Must Resolve to Speak Up and Reclaim Our Country, Now!/caneycreekfan

I'll tell you what's getting old and that's business as usual in DC. Your president was elected on change. He promised open debate on the health care issue only to find the reality is one big lie with closed door back room deals excluding all ideas from the Republican party. He promised the health care debate would be open and televised on C-span. He would not win an election if it were held today. His party and the liberal media pushed and fueled the collapse of our economy to the benefit of Obama and his crony's. This nearly backfired after he was elected because once the fear and panic starts it became hard to turn it off. They try by parading out another mouthpiece daly to tell us the recession is over. The media also in bed with Obama is pushing the message as well to brainwash people into believing it's true. Most of us get that George Bush was too liberal in leading the country and we really havn't had a great president since Ronald Reagon. But to quadruple the deficit under your presidents watch as he claims credit for bringing us back from the brink even though most of us get that he has taken us ever closer to the cliff and we recognize that there is no way that the runaway deficit will ever be paid off by our children. Meanwhile the Obama's spend and live lavishly hosting big parties all on the backs of hard working Americans during a time of recession what an insult!

Some of us are also not naive enough to believe that Bush created all the problems that are facing this country he had a lot of help from the Democrats as well. The government dosn't represent the people any more and hasn't for some time. That's why we must take back the country and limit federal power. We need to deregulate to allow Americans to create jobs without the roadblocks the government places in front of us. Lets build infrastructure by building nuclear power plants, Oil refineries, natural gas pipelines. Lets use our vast energy reserves and wean ourselves off foreign oil while we develop new energy ideas. It's possible if the liberal democrats will get out of the way.

Obama likes to go after the CEO pay yet the number of six figure salaries in the federal governmnet has exploded under his watch and the wasteful spending continues with pork barrel projects. Lets go after the entertainment and professional sports industries as these people are getting paid way to much money imo. I think a government take over of these sectors of our economy is in order and long over due and by the way what do you do for a living? Perhaps your being paid too much money as well and the government should step in and tell you how much you should make as well. You probably work for the government in some way and therefore your greed for more tax revenue is supported by your liberal buddies in government. It all comes down to money. Anyone that supports a liberal agenda is in some way depending on the labors of others to support there lifestyle, leaches that suck the life out of hard working people that play by the rules. And how about the Lawyers lets go after their money too. Oh that's right Obama and the democrats are in bed with the lawyers ,so much for tort reform and lowering medical costs and insurance rates right? Oh and how about creating some competition by allowing people to shop for medical insurance nationwide? Oh I guess that would help lower insurance premiums but the democrats don't want to hear about that now do they? So do you really think your liberal representatives are really looking out for the folks? They all have their special interests to take care of always have and always will. Keep drinking the koolaid and believe that Jim Jones, I mean Obama is looking out for you.

I'm pushing for taking back our government in 2010 and I don't care old you think that message is.

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