Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Re: Ocean surfaces have warmest summer on record, US report finds/FW

You may not know this FW but at one time before man drove SUV's, Canada had a huge sheet of ice over it. This was way before you were born. Where you live right now was covered with thick ice. You may wonder where all that thick ice went? Well the earth's temperatures warmed over time and melted the thick ice. The ice is still retreating towards the pole to this day. Liberal Cavemen believed the warming was being caused by man. Conservative Cavemen believed the warming was a natural cycle in the earths long history. Cavemen studying in universities received grants to study climate change. They predicted that the warming trend was due to the increase in fires by cavemen to cook and heat with. They showed power point presentations that showed the trend of temperatures increasing proportionally to the number of fires being used by cavemen to cook and heat with. They warned that over time if the fires were not reduced or eliminated that the ice sheet would completly melt and ocean levels would rise. The liberal Cavemen believed the global warming was really caused by the man made fires and started eating their food raw and ended up freezing to death in the winter. The conservative cavemen believed the warming of the earth to be a natural cycle and continued to eat there food cooked and heat there caves in the winter and they thrived. From then on people coined the term "common sence" and it was always applied to conservative thinking people and not applied to liberal thinking people. Over time more and more people didn't believe in the common sence story told by conservatives and gradually over thousands of years there were enough liberals lacking common sence that once again they spent lots of money in grants to universities to study climate change. They chose to ignore the natural cycle of the earth to warm and cool and decided to point the finger at man again who by this time drives cars and planes and produces electricity with coal fire plants. Liberals loved this and supplied even more money to the universities who said wow all this grant money coming in is great for our university. Students make sure that all the data you collect supports the man made global warming theory so we can continue to get money from these liberal idiots that lack any common sence. One of the liberals lost in an election to be president but turned his attention to selling the man made global warming theory to other liberals lacking common sence around the world. He invested heavily in businesses that promoted "clean energy" and by doing so he made $100,000,000 so far. His party ended up winning a presidential election with the help of ACORN. Not only was the liberal president of the United States but was also the president of the entire world. He received the nobel peace prize for being a community organizer and increasing military presence in Afghanistan. He would have won the Heisman trophy also but they already gave it to a football player from Alabama. I figure he'll get the award this next year. Anyway back to our common sence story. The liberals in power lacking common sence want to limit carbon emissions that are great for plant life. They want to penalize large coroporations polluting with carbon. Its OK for these liberals to pollute by driving large SUV's and flying in their private jets around the world but that's OK because they are saving the planet. Coservative people see what effect the penalties will have on jobs, the economy and our way of life. Conservatives say the earths temperatures have been cycling naturally since the earth was formed. Conservatives start finding emails that tell about data that was not used because it didn't support the man made global warming trend. Conservatives point to global temperatures in the last 10 years that show a cooling trend directly opposite of what was prdeicted by liberals in the late 1980's and 1990's. Libeals continue to ignore the facts and history and want to use the man made global warming "crisis" to make a few of them rich at everyones expense. Liberals today are just like they were in cave man days they still lack common sence and that will end up being their downfall in 2010. Now you know the truth about glogal warming. Perhaps you'll weigh what has been presented in this story and start thinking that just maybe there is another side to the global warming I mean "climate change" "crisis". Perhaps your wrong? No once a liberal always a liberal. Common sence you know somthing that escapes all liberals.


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