Afghansitan was the primary base of operations for Al Qaeda. The Taliban ran and controlled Afhanistan; and harbored Al Qaeda. Al Qaeda attacked us on 9/11. Now that I've connected the dots, who do you think that we are fighting today in Afghanistan and NW Pakistan?
Obama is a straight up sissy la la.
- At a time when Iran is working to develop Nuclear weapons and has an ongoing missile program, Obama cuts our missile defense plans in Eastern Europe:,2933,551460,00.html
- America is giving lip service at most to stopping Iran in it's quest to aquire nuclear weapons. I have absolutley no faith that Obama will stop Iran from getting nuclear weapons. And in fact, if Israel steps in militarily to stop Iran, I'm guessing that Obama will try and punish our staunch ally Israel in some manner or another.
Nope, Obama is no hawk. Reading and giving rights to terrorists; are you kidding me? To put it politely, Obama is a P.., I mean whussie.
- 67GTO