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Message: Newt Gingrich - Liar

I was out destumping a field you know some of us still have to work to keep the welfare checks flowing and keep Obama and the other liberals in DC in champaigne, caviar, lavish parties, private jets and limosines.

I will no longer refurr to Sedley and the other liberals that visit this forum as progressives because progressive implies progress and the only progress I see is that we are progressively moving closer to becoming a third world country with liberals running the show. With that said, lets see if I can remember which lies you would like to talk about and which ones you want to ignore?

How about this lie the government will always take care of you?

Or this one the more money we spend on education the smarter our children will be?

Or how about the government can run anything better than the private sector such as the postal service, education, Amtrak, disaster relief, social security and medicare to name a few?

Electing new conservative politicians who will reduce spending and deregulate to reduce pressure on the middle class and jump start the economy is considered a far right wing idea?

Terrorists will give us more information if we treat them better and provide attourney's to them at taxpayers expense?

Dictators around the world will love the USA if our president talks to them nice?

Having Iran and North Korea as nuclear powers will make the world a safer place?

We can talk North Korea and Iran out of developing nuclear weapons?

Quadrupling the debt under Obama's watch is all George Bush's fault and necessary to pull the country "back from the brink"?

Obama's freeze in government spending in 2011 and 2012 after he increases it again this year to a new record high will save the taxpayers a lot of money and will be good for the economy?

The recession is all but over and we are in the recovery stage?

More government spending will help the private sector create more jobs?

Manmade global warming is real?

Scientists didn't alter data that conflicted with the global warming crisis?

Marijuana isn't harmful and should be legalized?

Large corporations won't pass increased taxes on to consumers?

More regulation will lead to better productivity?

A liberal government is what the country needs to bring change we can believe in, end a recession and bring peace and harmony to all people of the world?

Obama is more loyal to the USA than Africa?

Obama just has extemists on his cabinet so he can hear alternate views from his own?

Obama is not a racist?

Obama is qualified to be president because of his vast experience as a community organizer?

Obama never lies?

Obama didn't see the 9000 earmarks on the bill he signed?

Obama understands the plight of the poor because he is black?

Obama never heard reverand Wright say anything bad about the country or rich white folks while he was present at church?

Obama did not use Cocaine or smoke marijuana?

Obama is a great speaker away from the teleprompter?

Trickle up economics has worked in other countries?

Health care should be a right that should be provided to those that can't get it because they choose to not take care of themselves?

Health care should be provided to everyone even if they are illegaly here at taxpayers expense?

Welfare checks is the best way to end poverty in the country?

Obama is fair showing no favoritism towards labor unions and lobbyists.

Liberals would never bribe other senators for votes?

Democrats would never accept a bribe?

Democrats don't lie?

The left has peaceful and orderly demonstrations?

The tea party movement is not main stream just a few radical right wing neocons spouting off because they are sore losers?

Liberals are tough on criminals?

Pelosi is doing her part for the environment and to reduce the tax burden by flying her and her family around in military jets instead of flying first class on a comercial airline?

All corporations are evil especially the oil companies because they make money?

Elimiating drilling for oil in our country will reduce our dependency on foreign oil?

Passing stiff regulations on businesses and farmers will not hinder their ability to compete with foreign countries that don't have these regulations and can still sell their products here?

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