Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Climategate Meets the Law: Senator Inhofe to Ask for DOJ Investigation

I'm not sure why I'm even bothering to respond to your confused screed, but here goes:

"Why is it Ok for Canada to drill for their oil and export it to us when we arn't [sic]
allowed to?"

Who said you weren't allowed? I'm fine with Canada selling its oil to the US for as long as the US (and the rest of the world) is dependent on oil, so long as concurrent efforts are being made to reduce and eventually eliminate dependence on oil.

"Canada is the largest supplier of oil to the USA. Why arn't [sic] you Canadians stopping your oil production for the good of the planet?"

See response above. Many of us - likely a majority but I won't make that claim - would like to see production of dirty oil from the Alberta tar sands stopped, but that won't happen for a while because much of the support of the federal government is based in Alberta. You might be interested to know that several American states are in process of enacting legislation to make sure any imported Canadian oil did not originate from the tar sands.

"I find it hypocrytical [sic] that you try to dictate what the USA should do when your country produces all the oil it wants to. Why can't the USA sit back and wait for Canada or China to develop the new energy solutions?"

Again, huh!? The last thing that the US should do is sit back and wait for other countries to provide solutions. Where did you get that from? The US has an enviable record of creative innovation and should do all it can to enhance that reputation. I'm invested in US alternative energy companies. Are you? I'll have the satisfaction of knowing that I'm not only making money but also doing what I can to pass on the planet to my children in better shape than it is now.

"How many billions of tons of greenhouse gases are being absorbed by plants? I walk outside I smell the air and it dosn't smell like exhaust gases."

Perhaps you should do some research as you obviously have greenhouse gases and exhaust gases mixed up. Evidently, you're also not able to differentiate between pollution and climate change.

"Perhaps you should get out of the city for awhile and find out that what some scientists say and what is really happening are not always accurate or the crisis that you have fabricated because your [sic] easily brainwashed."

I refer you first to a recent post of mine...

...then to...

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