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Message: Re: Is the Southern Poverty Law Center Terrorizing Decent American Patriots?
Mar 05, 2010 11:09AM
Mar 05, 2010 11:37AM

Excellent posting Wolf. You ever notice how it is the left who defines such terminology as "hate speach", "hate crimes", "hate acts", "hate groups", or even the word "hate" itself? They define it, then they put their label on everyone else who doesn't agree with them. They do that with lots of terminology. If you don't agree with Oboma you are a "racist". If you are opposed to illegal alians overrunning our country then you are a "rasist". If you disagree with homosexuality, then you are a "homophobe". If you don't agree with the lefts ideology, then you are a "racist", "bigot", "wingnut", "Kook", and on and on. The left always attacks everyone who doesn't agree with them in a personal way. They are not real big on discussing the true subject matter at hand; better to attack the messenger and tear him/her down than the message.

The left attacks fox news because they don't like the news that fox news reports. (In spite of the fact that it is the largest and most trusted news on cable). The left calls people liars constantly. I like it how that article pointed out that it was mostly liars who were accusing everyone else of being liars.

I always have a really hard time arguing/discussing issues with people on the left because we are just not on the same page with our understanding and use of certain words and terminology. And I absolutely have a problem with lefties calling me a liar and applying their definitions to me or others on the right which just aren't true; except in the lefties twisted way of thinking and understanding of things. I think in the future I'm going to work on coming to an understanding of terminology and facts with people on the left before I even try to go down the road of a discussion with them. We're just not speaking the same language...

- 67GTO

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