I *could* be wrong, I suppose; it could be a memory problem that resulted in me being labelled over and over again as a *government worker* (not that there's anything wrong with that) rather than a self-employed and self-supporting business consultant as I have mentioned on several occasions when appropriate to the discussion - possibly too often but no more so than the *government worker* epithet.
I would apolagize for the "you working for the government misunderstanding". You did say your company did work for the government so you could interperate that as not a lie. You give us glimpses of who you are but on a forum such as this it is difficult to piece together who a person is somtimes based on the little bits of personal information provided.
When someone calls me a cowrard I know it wont be to my face and I sugest you retract that part of your post to me.
As far as responding to the post, whats the point? I have better things to do than argue with a hard left liberal from a foreign country about our government. Its about as big a waste of time as counting how many thumbs posts get and correcting spelling errors. If thats how you get through the day, have fun. I also don't like errogant people that believe they are smarter than someone else just because they may be more articulate. From what I gather you lack a lot of common sense as do many "smart people".