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Message: Why Does Glenn Beck Hate Jesus?

Time - One writer byline or two vs. over a dozen hard left zealots does not constitute balanced reporting.....Similar analogy exists at the hard left flagship NYT, Brooks & one other writer are the token center-right (What NYT considers right vs. dozens of hard Left writers, which the NYT considers "Balanced reporting"

The NYT logo "All the News thats Fit to Print"......LMAO.....Again, the NYT went through a similar metamorphis (sp) years ago after the newspaper changed Editors. In the 70's, it was a center-left rag with the best International coverage with minimal opinion mixed in. Since getting continually scooped by the other hard left rag - Washington Post, it appears to be a duel between the two as to who can be the most radical.

Regarding ABC News, of all 3 Networks, IMO ABC is closest to the center, but by no means is it right wing. Surely, you cannot believe the 3 networks are even-handed and reporting fairly?? I am including covering stories that may be embarassing or worse for the current Administration.


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