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Message: Re: Mitt Romney exposed on Larry King

Speaking for my self as a right winger I can tell you that I care very much about sick, poor, unducated, etc... Americans. The questions isn't whether I or other right wingers care; the question is instead about how we care. I believe that we are all responsible for ourselves. I absolutely do not believe, nor do I want the government to be responsible for me. When you and others speak of "the government", what you're really saying is "taxpayers". Because the government doesn't produce anything itself; all it can do is spend others monies; the others being us.

The question should be: is it everyones responsibility to be responsible for everyone else around them? I say no to this. As I said, I shouldn't be responsible for taking care of you and you shouldn't be responsible for taking care of me. As mature, free, independant, self responsible Americans, we should be able to do that for ourselves.

The next question should be: if we were to be responsible for each other; would it be right for us to take from each other against our will to help support those less fortunate? Again I say no. Taking from others against their will is called stealing; plain and simple. Whatever your cause for the stealing, does not justify the stealing. Why would any one person have the right to steal from another in order to have that person take care of them? Every time someone talks about their "right" to healthcare, what they are really saying is: they have a "right" to healthcare due to the fact that their right is being supported on the backs of others who are being stolen from; literally. Are you saying that it's ok to steal from some so that others may have? And if you do agree with that philosphy; who are the ones saying that it's right and ok to steal from some so that others may have? I'm sure all those who don't have are happy to sign up to that one; what do they have to lose?

I say that there should be ways that we can help our fellow Americans voluntarily; not against our wills. Through donations, charity, work programs, education, etc...; but all of this payed for by donations of time and/or money from those who want to help. Again, nobody in my book is responsible for others against their will.

I think this was a very calm, logical response. What say you to it?

- 67GTO

Sorry for not responding sooner but here is my response. It costs upwards of a million dollars or more to train a doctor and most of that money is provided by taxpayers of all incomes. When you try and hog this doctor all to yourself with no regard with anyone else because you are convinced that a fat wallet entitles you to medical treatment before your poorer neighbors, is that not stealing according to your definition. All Americans who pay to train doctors should get a benefit, shouldn't they?

This Pollyanna attitude that people who are not able to afford health care because they were booted off by the insurance companies or lost thier jobs and can't afford the astronomical rates being charged by these pirates should wait in hopes that the milk of human kindness might on a good day flow from GTO and that he may deem to drop a few rupees in the poor box as a substitute for a national health plan is one of the kookiest notions I have ever heard.

A lot of people adamantly opposed Bush and Cheney starting a war in Iraq and basically walking away from the war on terrorists. According to your logic they shouldn't be forced to pay the cost of this war out of their taxes because that would be stealing. Why should single people pay any taxes toward the education of children if they choose not too? Not their kids, right. Somewhere roads and bridges you may never use have been built with your tax dollars. Would you call that stealing?

Your vision seems to be a population of completely selfish human animals who only commonality is your existence in agreed upon geographic boundaries. The world you think you are in today didn't exist even 200 years ago. The arguments you presented are a childs arguments. Full of selfishness and self importance. Time to grow up.

Was that calm enough for you?

Mar 31, 2010 12:38AM
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