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Message: Where has all the warming gone?

Where has all the warming gone?

posted on Apr 19, 2010 03:03PM
From The Moutain Democrat in California
My turn: Where has all the warming gone?
By Larry Weitzman
March 9th, 2010

About a month ago, Jon Stuart Leibowitz was being interviewed by the bombastic Bill O'Reilly. Now many people, including the fans of the Daily Show, think that Leibowitz (Jon Stewart) is quite the bright philosopher and sometimes comedian. Leibowitz proved it when he stated to O'Reilly, “I am not a scientist, but I know that when you pump millions of tons of stuff into the air it has got to be doing something bad.”

How is that for an oxymoron?

First admitting he knows nothing about the science and has no understanding of the complexity of the climate and atmosphere, never mind the chemistry and physics, Leibowitz still had the temerity and stupidity, yes stupidity, to make a pronouncement that he knows that the results of the human interaction with the atmosphere has to be bad. Those kinds of statements seem to run rampant in “Hollywood” types.

It is not just Leibowitz that shows his ignorance, even climate scientists do. During a recent press conference that I attended, Lawrence Livermore Labs climate scientist Ben Santer (he was a lead author of part of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change second assessment report) said that “we” do not yet fully understand the climate but shortly thereafter said that “natural causes alone cannot explain observed changes in the climate system.”

First he says he doesn't understand everything about the climate, but then has the audacity to tell us that changes can't be explained by natural causes alone. How could he know that if he doesn't fully understand the climate to begin with? Sounds like Jon Stuart Leibowitz on steroids. Santer's intelligence leaves one wondering. Guess where he went to school? That's right, the University of East Anglia where climate science has had a meltdown, becoming the location of the largest scientific scandal and fraud ever.

East Anglia's director of climate, Phil Jones, has stepped down because of the Climategate scandal exposed by hundreds of damaging e-mails showing the fraud and corruption in the global warming business. But it gets worse. Over a recent weekend, Phil Jones (the main scientist behind the U.N. IPCC and its four reports) has now admitted that there has been no significant warming in the last 15 years. That is exactly what Dr. Richard Lindzen, professor of Atmospheric Science at MIT, has been saying for years and something for which he has been castigated by the press and other global warming advocates.

The Jones admission was extensively carried in the London Daily Express, the Telegraph and the London Times. Where was our mainstream media?

Now that the truth is out that there has been no significant global warming for the last 15 years, the house of cards that held up the theory is crumbling like a calving glacier as well, but not without the usual propaganda.

Since Climategate several other revelations of IPCC errors and gross exaggerations have come to light. First were the Himalayan glaciers that were supposed to melt by 2035. It turned out it was all based on the speculation of one Indian scientist who admits it was all speculation with no data to back it up. And this was reported in the IPCC Fourth Assessment Report as truth.

Phil Jones also made another huge admission when he said that it may have been warmer during the medieval warming period than it is now. That by his own admission destroys the Hockey Stick, whose sole purpose was to eliminate the medieval warming period to show that the current warming was unprecedented in human history. Now that is a lie too and it has been admitted by a global warming advocate who was the main scientist behind the IPCC.

Then there was the Amazongate, or the destruction of the rain forest by global warming. It has now been learned that the study upon which this was based was more speculation by graduate students that became propaganda for advocacy groups. In other words, there wasn't a stitch of scientific evidence but the IPCC carried it as absolute truth. The rain forest is threatened, but by deforestation and farmers. And it is not the main producer of our oxygen that we breathe; the oceans produce most of that, anywhere from 67-80 percent of the Earth's oxygen. In fact the rain forest is old and therefore produces very little oxygen and because of dying trees, it gives off massive amounts of CO2. It may be an oxygen deficit.

Then there was Hollandgate where the IPCC incorrectly reported that Holland was half under sea level. The IPCC got that wrong too, it is only 25 percent under sea level. But there are dozens more mistakes and claims within the IPCC that are just plain wrong.

Are the snows of Kilimanjaro dwindling? Yes, but it's not from global warming but from changes in land use and deforestation that are taking place around the mountain.

Global warming isn't just being outed as a fraud and hoax in England, but India and Australia too. Recently in India's largest magazine “Open” was the cover story, the “Hottest Hoax in the World.” But for India the corruption is deeper as the chairman of the IPCC is an Indian railroad engineer, Dr. Rajendra K. Pachauri. Not only are the climategate scandals rocking the global warming world, but the corruption of Pachauri is as well. It turns out that the several foundations that he has set up have received millions of dollars to “study global warming.”

The IPCC will go down as the biggest scientific fraud in human history to date. Who are the flat-earthers now? There is little if any evidence to support the theory that CO2 is causing human induced global warming. Anyone who cites the U.N.'s IPCC is citing unscientific junk science. Its reports should not even be considered “data,” let alone scientific evidence.

Now with the record snowfalls that have overtaken the Midwest as far south as Dallas and the entire East Coast down to Florida, magazines are saying that this is also proof of global warming. So let's understand this: If we have warm winters it is because of global warming and if we have really cold winters (the East Coast temperatures are about 10 degrees below average) that is also because of global warming. So when the next ice age comes that is because of global warming, too?

Time magazine had the gall to actually say that the big snowfalls are because of global warming in that the atmosphere because it is warmer will hold more water and therefore it will snow more. That is absolutely false. Rainfall totals for the East Coast are not much above average. In fact, for the last three months, Philadelphia usually receives about 9 to 10 inches of rainfall. About 20 inches of that falls as snow each year. But this year they have received (at the time this is being written) about 70 inches of snow. Seventy inches of snow is about 6 inches of rainfall, well within normal averages. What has happened is that because it is so cold, the rain has turned into snow. The precipitation isn't anything out of the ordinary (the amount of moisture in the atmosphere), but the cold weather sure is and that is what is causing the snowfall. It had nothing to do with global warming. But that doesn't stop Time magazine from propagandizing you about it.

Need more fracturing of the myth of global warming? A new study just came out saying that based on the recent data gathered from the ARGO network of 3,198 free drifting ocean floats with GPS, sea levels have been falling for the past several years.

Rats are now jumping the IPCC ship. Recently it was announced that that former Dutch civil servant and now executive secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Yvo de Boer will leave his chair on July 1. It has been reported by reliable sources that de Boer's highest level of formal schooling was a British boarding school. And he was running the IPCC.

This is only the beginning.

There is no question that the world's atmosphere has warmed over the past 150 years as the world has come out of a “little ice age” that started in about 1400. It has nothing to do with man's use of fossil fuels or cows (methane) but there may be some small influence due to land use.

Larry Weitzman is a Rescue resident who has studied the issue of global warming extensively.

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