Here I was thinking that 67GTO was actually posting a message in remembrance of lives lost through an act of terrorism by Timothy McVeigh - truly a National Day of Humiliation - and all I get is some whining little diatribe by a Texas neocon clergyman who thinks that the right wing is closer to God than anyone else. Pathetic.
Ok, maybe I'm a little slow here. I'm not sure if I get your point Fat. Are you saying that the nation as a whole should feel guilty and humiliated because of what one person on the fringe has done? A national day of mourning for those that were lost I can understand; but the nation to feel humiliated as a whole because of what one fringe person did; I don't get that. Should the nation be humiliated as a whole because we have a marxist as President? Explain your logic please.
The point of that article was to show the true meaning of a national day of pray; and the difference between then and now. I thought it was pretty straightforward and self-explanetory. Are you calling one of our founding fathers a neo-con?
- 67GTO