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Message: Americans for Prosperity - Health Care Fight

Dear _______,

Simply put, we cannot allow the health care battle to end. And Congressman Steve King's discharge petition is the right vehicle to continue this fight. Click here to learn more.

You saw President Obama's outrageous "recess" appointment of Dr. Donald Berwick to be the administrator of Medicare and Medicaid. Berwick was sworn in yesterday, without a single Senate hearing.

Two quotes tell us all we need to know about Dr. Berwick.

First, here's what Berwick thinks about the failing British government health care system; "I am romantic about the National Health Service; I love it." Berwick has looked at the long lines, government control of health care treatments, higher death rates for many cancers, massive bureaucracy and government waste that is the British healthcare reality and decided THEIR government-run system is "romantic."

Let me give you just one number -- 50,000. That's the number of surgeries canceled each year in Britain because the patients become too sick for the surgery while waiting in line.

Second and more chilling from Dr. Berwick, “The decision is not whether we will ration care. The decision is whether we will ration with our eyes open.”

So Obama's choice to run Medicare and Medicaid openly advocates something President Obama claims he opposes -- rationing of our health care. No wonder not even the Democrat-run Senate would confirm Dr. "eyes open" Berwick.

There's more outrageous news on Obamacare.

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (before Berwick took the helm) recently released cost projections for the health care takeover and they found that the legislation will INCREASE health care spending by $311 billion over the next decade while causing 14 million Americans to lose their current employer-based coverage.

There's so much more but you get the point. Americans want this horrible legislation repealed or defunded now before it's too late.

There's a simple legislative fix. Congressman Steve King from Iowa has a discharge petition (House Discharge Petition Number 11) in the House that will force a vote on repeal if a majority of members (currently 217) sign it.

So far, 109 members of Congress have signed the discharge petition. All of them are Republicans. CLICK HERE to see if your member of Congress has signed the discharge petition.

I'm asking you to CLICK HERE to tell your member of Congress today to sign the King discharge petition that will force an open vote on repeal of the health care takeover bill. If your member of Congress has already signed on, please thank them by clicking here. Once it is repealed, Congress can start over with real reforms that put patients first.

There are still 69 Republicans who have not signed this discharge petition so we need to urge both Republicans and Democrats to join the King discharge petition.

There were 34 House Democrats who voted NO on the health care takeover. Some because they genuinely opposed it and others because Speaker Pelosi knew she had the votes and gave them a "walk" in order to protect them politically. Either way, this discharge petition is an opportunity for these Democrats to stand up and say, "I voted NO and I meant NO so that's why I've signed this discharge petition to force a vote on repealing the health care takeover."

For those 69 House Republicans who voted NO and who have not yet signed this discharge petition, we need to get them on the record now -- before the election -- that they will indeed support repealing or at least defunding the health care takeover.

We need real reform that starts with the idea of patients and doctors having control of our health care. Every reputable public opinion poll shows the American people are still with us. For example, the Rasmussen polls continue to show a solid majority of Americans favoring repeal. We've just got to keep the pressure on Congress.

Let's keep up the fight.



PS: We've got to get every member of Congress on record now -- before the election -- on repealing the health care takeover. CLICK HERE to tell your member of Congress to sign the King discharge petition today.

Americans for Prosperity® (AFP) is a nationwide organization of citizen leaders committed to advancing every individual's right to economic freedom and opportunity. AFP believes reducing the size and scope of government is the best safeguard to ensuring individual productivity and prosperity for all Americans. AFP educates and engages citizens in support of restraining state and federal government growth, and returning government to its constitutional limits. AFP has more than one million members, including members in all 50 states, and 31 state chapters and affiliates. More than 60,000 Americans in all 50 states have made a financial investment in AFP or AFP Foundation. For more information, visit

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