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Message: Ground Zero for Tolerance

I think the republicans are trying to be inclusive of the 70+ % of the US population that is saying "NOT THERE" as well as Muslims outside of the US that are saying "NOT THERE".

Why don't the ACLU, Obama, The Lamestream Media et al. care what Muslims think about this Mosque at Ground Zero? Shouldn't we be looking to consider the feelings of Muslims outside of the United States in whether or not to build this "Mosque" at Ground Zero"? Why do people like you not want to let Muslims follow the Qur’an? You wouldn't agree you are being intolerant of Muslim beliefs and the Qur’an would you?

Muslim Canadian Congress urges New York’s Ground-Zero Mosque Imam to abandon project

Muslim Canadian Congress urges New York’s Ground-Zero Mosque Imam to abandon project

TORONTO – The Muslim Canadian Congress (MCC) is urging the Cordoba House Initiative to abandon its proposed Ground-Zero Mosque in New York in the face of outrage expressed by large segments of the American population calling the proposal an act of 'fitna' or mischief.

In a letter to Imam Faisal Rauf that will be delivered on Tuesday, August 10 by MCC’s board member Raheel Raza, the MCC says, “Many Muslims suspect that the idea behind the Ground Zero mosque is meant to be a deliberate provocation, to thumb our noses at the 'infidel.' We believe the proposal has been made in bad faith and, in Islamic parlance, is creating 'fitna,' meaning 'mischief-making,' an act clearly forbidden in the Qur’an.”

The Qur'an commands us Muslims to, 'Be considerate when you debate with the People of the Book' -- i.e., Jews and Christians [chapter 29, verse 46]. Building an exclusive place of worship for Muslims at the place where Muslims killed thousands of New Yorkers, is not being considerate or sensitive, it is undoubtedly an act of “fitna,” the letter added.

The MCC challenges Imam Feisal Abdul Rauf about his claim that building the mosque will increase tolerance for Muslims when the evidence is the exact opposite. “Do you not understand that building a mosque at Ground Zero is equivalent to permitting a Serbian Orthodox Church near the killing fields of Srebrenica where 6,000 Muslim men and boys were slaughtered?” the letter asked.

The MCC said it is opposed to the Ground-Zero mosque because many questions have gone unanswered. Questions about where the funding is coming from? If this mosque is being funded by Saudi sources, then it is an even bigger slap in the face of Americans as nine of the jihadis in the Twin Tower calamity were Saudis.

If Imam Rauf is serious about building bridges, then he could have dedicated space in this so-called community centre to a Church and Synagogue, but he did not. He could have proposed a memorial to the 9/11 dead with a denouncement of the doctrine of armed jihad, but he chose not to.

The MCC letter said, “Even if the intention of the mosque organizers was noble, the negative reaction by the American people has ensured that if built, the mosque will remain a permanent sore point and a lightning rod for anti-Muslim feelings. For this reason alone, the project must be abandoned.

“When we try to understand the reasoning behind building a mosque at the epicentre of the worst attack on the USA, we wonder why its proponents would not build a monument to those who died in the attack? New York currently boasts at least 30 mosques so it’s not as if there is pressing need to find space for worshippers,” the letter added.


For more information, please call Raheel Raza at 416-505-6052. Ms. Raza will be in New York on Tuesday, August 10 to deliver the MCC letter and to raise her objection to the mosque at a meeting of the organizers and the September 11th Families' Association/Tribute WTC

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