All of this is spot on. Last time I was in London........I didn't think I was.
I thought perhaps Barbra Eden had given the genie blink and now I was in Crapistan.
These feel good morons, that have let the bottom feeding moooo"slums" in their countries
have put the screws to themselves beyond repair.
Why? the mooo"slums" keep breeding like roaches. Been to Amsterdam lately? As much
as I like the Dutch, they screwed up big they're screwed.
The genius French. mooo"slums" everywhere............
This entire mess is the cause of "liberalism", the mental disorder.
I believe the mooo"slums" are not only the enemy of America.............but the enemy of the world.
Am I lumping the good in with the bad? hell yes. I have had it. Take your sandals and your friggin' man dresses and go live in the sand with your throat cutting brothers.