Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Conrad Black: American apocalypse

I'm beginning to think that Liberalism is just a big game that these people are playing. I think that all libs met in the middle of the night somewhere and said "hey let's screw with the American people. We will do the opposite of everything that has made this country great. We will say the dumbest things we can think of and do the most outrageous things imagimable and just see what happens" It's the only thing that makes sense to me because even my kids (20 and 16 yrs. old) are beginning to ask me about some of the things they read and hear in the news. When they ask things like "Hey dad, if illegals are not paying taxes, getting free education and medical treatment but you have to pay for it, why don't the cops just catch them all and send them back where they came from?", I tell them that being logical does not work in this country anymore. The Liberals are killing logic and common sense. They say your kidding, right!I say that I wish I was, but it may be all part of this big game that the libs are playing just to see what happens. They will stop soon and everyting will return to normal. In the meantime the country is going down the drain.........


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