You have to admit the shifty eyeas of a liberal really shows in the photo. It just looks like he's lieing, doing illegal drugs or cheating on his wife. But you know the liberal way I shouldn't have to tell you this. I watched this guy on channel 2 for a bit this weekend He is .
Just think how much money this country could save if you liberals stopped doing the illegal drugs. Think about how overflowing our prisons and jails are and how much crime is associated with liberals selling and doing illegal drugs. If you stop doing the drugs it will stop coming in.
Think about how much money this country could save if you liberals would allow the border to be secure with Mexico. How much money would that save this country?
Would the recession even have happened if Barney Frank and his liberal friends wouldn't have pushed for loans to people that couldn't afford houses?
How many Trillion dollars does Obama and the liberals have to spend before you wake up from the drone like trans your in.
Why do you and Sedley trash the Tea Party when liberals like yourself created it because of your prefferred socialist style government that dictates to the people rather than serve the people.
How much money is it going to cost this country when Obama care kicks in. How convenient that it is after the elections.
Why are you and Sedley racists towards white people?