Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: The INTOLERANT Liberal left-wing media strikes again

I don't like the debt any more than you do. Lest you forget we are in a deep, deep recession.

Why don't you point your wrath at the Wall Street shenanigans that was going on to cause the worst financial crisis in history?

Why don't you point your wrath at the neo-conservatives for taking us to war in Iraq and spending over a trillion dollars?

Why don't you point your wrath at Bush and Cheney and their administration for condoning torture and taking away our civil liberties?

Why don't you point your wrath at the party of No for doing nothing during the EIGHT YEARS that they held the White House to fix the health care crisis?

You don't believe any of that do you?

You would gut the EPA, the Department of Education, you would further cut taxes for the rich, you would gut civil rights, you would force religion down peoples throats.

You don't believe in global warming, you probably don't even believe in evolution.

You truly are the ignorant within.

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