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Message: Re: Wow--This is without a doubt the best video that has come out/Caneycreekfan

-- take away health care from 40 million AMERICANS?

--You mean the multi trillion dollar health care system that was ramed down our throat against the will of the majority? How about lets put in place tort reform and allow insurance companies to compete accross state lines.

-- let the corporations write the laws and regulations?

--As opposed to the labor unions, ACLU and the corporations that support the liberal agenda who are writing the laws now?

-- let the bankers screw us again?

-- Wasn't it Barney Frank and his liberal buddies that put prssure on banks to provide loans to people that couldn't afford homes? I think it was.

-- wage more wars for freedom in Iran, Pakistan, Cuba?

--like the war your president is waging now? Why should you care anyway you don't have to go fight and clean up the mess. You would rather let evil in the world build like it did in the 1930's and 1940's so many more of our bravest conservatives have to die to defeat evil.

-- reduce taxes to nothing and watch our country crumble?

That's why liberal states like California should be held up as a model for the rest of the country because they have high taxes on people and corporations and look how well their state is doing. Perhaps if people had more of their own money and government wasn't making it difficult for them with regulations and fees, maybe just maybe people would be more likely to start a business and hire people currently unemployed and living off welfare that taxpayers now provide. These new working people may pay taxes which will increase the amount of revenue the government receives. And we even have proof it works as Reagon did this didn't he?

-- let the corporations pollute our air and water?

Yes its OK for China and Russia to pollute because they are on a different planet than we are. How many Americans would have jobs if we opened up drilling for natural gas and oil off our coastlines, Alaska and the rest of the country. How much foreign oil would we have to buy if e did this?

-- let the old folks scrounge on their own?

Have you ever noticed how these welfare suckers always seem to be able to find money to buy their drugs, cigarettes and alcohol.

-- force religion down our throats? No thanks.

As Opposed to forcing Atheism down our throats. This country was founded on Christian principles. If you don't like it leave or shut up. Their is nothing wrong with the ten commandments. What a better world this would be if more liberals and muslems followed them.

Nice soppy video though .... sniff, sniff ....

Well this is to be expected from a bleeding heart whining liberal isn't it?

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