Mosaic ImmunoEngineering is a nanotechnology-based immunotherapy company developing therapeutics and vaccines to positively impact the lives of patients and their families.

Message: Liberals the entitlement generation

Their ilk hate capitalism because by in large they failed at it. They rely on unions or the government to keep them employed as they could not compete in the private sector where their is competition and survival takes hard work, skill and balanced books. They also rely on the government for handouts. They have failed in this society most by their own actions whether it be drug abuse, alcohol abuse, moral degradation, atheism, laziness or stupidity. Their is always someone or somthing to blame for their own failures. They never take responibility for their own actions and situation. Even though they did not contribute, their ilk feel they are entitled to the property or profits of people that have worked hard and earned their way. Us conservatives call it stealing while liberals and their ilk call it spreading the wealth. Their ilk think that government should steal more and distibute entitlements in spight of the vast evidence that shows that when government takes somthing over they screw it up and it ends up costing us a fortune.

Government must be reined in before we reach a point of no return. Paul Ryan's budget proposal is exactly the right approach to ending the insanity of runnaway spending and debt which is crippling our economy and threatening our way of life.

Liberals and their ilk are truly are the enemy within.

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