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Message: Re: TAX THE RICH!
Apr 13, 2011 06:41PM
Apr 14, 2011 10:00AM

If you want to bring the deficit down, it will take a combination of spending cuts and tax increases to do so.

Ask the ghost of Ronald Reagan about that. He'll tell you he raised taxes more than any other in the history of our country.

The problem we face is that we don't have a great leader like Ronald Reagan who decreased the size of government and deregulated to get government out of the way of the people that create jobs in this country. Reagan had been the governor of California at that time a state that produced more than most countries. He knew how to lead and create a prosperous economy. He raised more taxes because more people went to work and added to the tax base. Reagan recognized that the first step to socialism and government control of our lives was by government health care. He said government is not the solution but the problem.

Fast forward to today where we have a very weak leader who was the most liberal senator with very little experience with his background as a community organizer. A man that has had questionable radical associations with a belief that government knows how to run your life better than you. He has doubled the size of the federal government in two years and has increased spending to the point where he spends more in one month to run the government than it used to spend under the hated president Bush in a year. He sees businesses as the enemy except of coarse his favorites like GE that contribute to his campaignes. What is frustrating to us sensible people is that he seems to be more interested in his reelection than in solving the debt crisis that faces our children in the near future. Here the left blasted Sarah Palin for not being experienced enough to be president yet we see Joe Biden falling asleep during the presidents reelection speech kickoff. These problems imo are not that hard to solve it just takes someone with leadership like Ronald Reagan. Some of the newly elected congressman are true leaders that understand the problems we face as a nation and represent the principles of the Tea Party that can set this country back on a path of greatness. They understand the importance of working together and attacking the wasteful spending and entitlement programs that have ballooned out of balance in the last decade.

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