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Message: lake - if we're a Christian nation. And you've betrayed it...

I'm suuuuuuurrrreeee the ACLU will stop Obamacare for Christians too....

All Roman Catholics are Exempt From ObamaCare 1
Posted by Ann Barnhardt - October 5, AD 2011 8:36 PM MST
Yep. All Catholics are 100% exempt from ObamaCare. It’s on page 107, y’all. Those of you who have been around here for a long time remember that I actually first went viral in March of 2010. I’ll bet most of you newbies received an email with a very brief blurb I wrote about ObamaCare. My name was quickly edited out of it (no problem at all), but I am indeed the original author of this piece:
[This is the full original text of my "Word of the Day: Dhimmitude" essay originally posted on March 25th, AD 2010.]

Dhimmitude is the muslim system of controlling non-muslim populations conquered through jihad. Specifically, it is the TAXING of non-muslims in exchange for tolerating their presence AND as a coercive means of converting conquered remnants to islam.

The ObamaCare bill is the establishment of Dhimmitude and Sharia muslim diktat in the United States. Muslims are specifically exempted from the government mandate to purchase insurance, and also from the penalty tax for being uninsured. Islam considers insurance to be "gambling", "risk-taking" and "usury" and is thus banned. Muslims are specifically granted exemption based on this. How convenient. So I, Ann Barnhardt, a Christian, will have crippling IRS liens placed against all of my assets, including real estate, cattle, and even accounts receivables, and will face hard prison time because I refuse to buy insurance or pay the penalty tax. Meanwhile, Louis Farrakhan will have no such penalty and will have 100% of his health needs paid for by the de facto government insurance. Non-muslims will be paying a tax to subsidize muslims. Period. This is Dhimmitude.

Dhimmitude serves two purposes: it enriches the muslim masters AND serves to drive conversions to islam. In this case, the incentive to convert to islam will be taken up by those in the inner-cities as well as the godless Generation X, Y and Z types who have no moral anchor. If you don't believe in Christ to begin with, it is no problem whatsoever to sell Him for 30 pieces of silver. "Sure, I'll be a muslim if it means free health insurance and no taxes. Where do I sign, bro?"

If you are a Christian and you acquiesce to this, you will be bending your knee to islam, and denying Christ. How many of the early Christians went to horrific deaths rather than offer a mere pinch of incense to a statue of Caesar? Every single one of us has a BIG decision to make right now, in this moment. The choice is to either offer a pinch of incense to islam and Marxism, or take up our cross and follow Christ. I've made my decision. I choose Christ. I choose the Cross.

I recommend sending this post to your contacts. This is desperately important and people need to know about it - quickly.

If I had it to do over again, I would remove the word “specifically” from the fourth sentence. The word “specifically” implies that the word “islam” appears in the ObamaCare bill. It does not. The exemption was inserted to give musloids an exemption from ObamaCare, but was sufficiently vague so as to not specify islam as the beneficiary of the language. We’ll come back to that in a moment. The exemption can be found on the bottom of page 107 of the final bill. Link HERE. Here’s the language from the bill:

(5) EXEMPTIONS FROM INDIVIDUAL RESPONSIBILITY REQUIREMENTS.—In the case of an individual who is seeking an exemption certificate under section 1311(d)(4)(H) from any requirement or penalty imposed by section 5000A, the following information:

In the case of an individual seeking exemption based on the individual’s status as a member of an exempt religious sect or division, as a member of a health care sharing ministry, as an Indian, or as an individual eligible for a hardship exemption, such information as the Secretary shall prescribe.

The premise of my original piece was that musloids would demand, en masse, an exemption from the ObamaCare mandate arguing that insurance was “forbidden” and thus fall onto the government healthcare rolls, effectively creating a situation wherein “infidels” were fully subsidizing their healthcare. Voila! Backdoor jizya tax and dhimmitude! Yesterday we learned that Obama has DEMANDED that all insurance policies cover contraception, sterilization and abortion via abortifacient drugs with zero copay. Okay. The One, Holy Catholic and Apostolic Church has taught since the very, very beginning that contraception and abortion are GRAVE MORTAL SINS. As in, a sin so grave that it is capable of severing a person’s relationship with God. And yes, when I say the very beginning, I mean it. Abortion is SPECIFICALLY mentioned as a grave sin in the Didache, which was written within a few years of Calvary – very possibly within the first decade, but very, very certainly before the year 80 AD.

...Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

So then, for all of the Christians against Obamakare.... you think they are 'betraying' Christ or 'lying' in His name?

Where do you stand on ObamaKare.... I guess if you aren't Muslim or Christian you can still be for it then, right?

Let's see the ACLU stand up for the Constitution on THIS one.

Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; ....

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