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Message: I find the irony of it all rather poetic..

one month later and still not a chirp about how Sotero signed into law the most restrictive, dictatorial and freedom (life) threatening bill on free speech into law.

Apparently the only ones who have been silenced by this action are those who have found that Sotero can do no wrong and that it was Bush and the "racist, birther, hypocritical neocons" that were the ones who were supposed to silence all dissent in this country. Yet not so much as a chirp or peep from the brainwashed left that it was Sotero who did so.

Yep, ironic that it is Sotero who silenced those because THEY CAN NOT DEFEND HIM on this issue when it was HE WHO SIGNED THE BILL INTO LAW.

On almost any other issue, I would be laughing at the irony of it all.

How does it feel to be silenced in that you can not defend this?

It's all Bush's fault.... right?

Now that Sotero is closer to taking this country to war against Iran than Bush EVER did, I'm sure you have, no doubt, noticed all the anti-war protests.

Nope? Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

I guess as to the NDAA, he was 'against it before he was for it'.

"Although the Obama administration had twice threatened to veto a previous version of the bill based on these provisions, it reversed its position yesterday. Jameel Jaffer, the ACLU’s Deputy Legal Director appeared on the Rachel Maddow Show, last night to discuss our objections to the bill."

Would you say that he lied about vetoing the bill or that he was being hypocritical?

Chirp. Chirp. Chirp.

Oh, and as for the rest of his record on the "healthcare" reform lies in reference to Joe:


Now defend the NDAA.... which as Sotero said needed additional laws to make it legally enforceable.... and coming soon in the form of the ability to revoke citizenship of any US Citizen the "President" makes the determination is a "terrorist" (for whatever reason, none of which need be disclosed).

Once the individual is no longer deemed a "citizen", NDAA does not have to worry about future challenges to its constitutionality against the US citizens. Voila, constitutional problem solved.

I'm sure you will rest at night when a racist, birther, hypocritical neocon President uses the NDAA and soon to be passed 'revocation of US Citizenship status' laws to come after any and all leftist organizations.

Really. Where are all the anti-war protests to stop the war with Iran that Sotero (the peace prize winner) is already gearing the war machine up for?

Don't think Russia will just standby when the missles start flying.

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