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Message: Unprecedented

"Although Fed ostensibly is apolitical and fully independent and can act on its own volition any time it sees fit, it has never changed monetary policy after Labor day on during a Presidential election year. With US election extremely close any move by the Fed will be viewed through highly partisan prism and may create more harm than good as it creates a swirl of controversy. With Fed officials already under fire from the right side of the electorate the outcry will no doubt be fierce if the Fed proposes a major shift in monetary policy so close ahead of the election."

I apologize for not having the source for the original author of this text. It was provided to me unattributed.

Now, at 4:00 a.m. (eastern) today, September 12 the German Constitutional Court ruled that Germany can print up to 190bn Euros (or assume 190bn euros worth of aid to help maintain the EU) which now means that Benny has to go ahead with QE∞.

This round of QE that the fed is likely to come up with tomorrow is to save the USD so that Soetoro doesn't have a currency collapse against the Euro (the stage of the collapse where the LSM can NOT avoid reporting it, anyway) before the election.

War is a great cover-up for theft and eliminating massive unpayable debts.

China demands to be paid back in gold per their derivative contracts. Iran isn't being paid in the petrodollar for their oil, they stopped accepting the petrodollar a while back. Quadaffi did that too.... well, he wanted to anway, and he also wanted to create a system that oil would only be traded in gold... and we know where that idea got him. After all, the first thing the 'rebels' did after overthrowing him was steal the Libyan gold and move it into creating a 'central bank'. Turkey (India, too, so I've read) has been buying Iranian oil in gold to get around US sanctions. And Iran (North Korea, too) doesn't have a 'central bank'. But unlike NK, Iran also has oil. NK has rice fields.

How is this going to affect Joe Sheepel?

Watch for the price of gas / oil next. Although, gas is already now at record highs, oil (WTI) is still under $100. Remember it's been as high as $147 and the pump price of gas was still lower than today's average? Think that gas prices will have a direct relational increase as the oil bbl price goes up?

Isreal will not let its survival be dependent on Soetoro's 'help'.

I'm figuring that Isreal, however, will hold off until after November 6 to act. I could give a more specific guess, I'm sure with some thinking you can figure it out.

Soetoro WANTS Israel to act alone. The US can't afford a war..... financially. Not that Soetoro has much love toward Isreal to begin with.

I bet there are a few who are reading and saying like Soledad on CNN earlier this year "That was it? That was your bombshell?" The German CC?.

Don't be so short-sighted. Look at where that got her.

Sep 14, 2012 08:20PM
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