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Osama bin Laden raid not Obama's call

Exclusive: Maj. Gen. Paul Vallely reveals name of leader who authorized operation

Published: 6 hours ago
by>Stand Up America. He has a distinguished military career of 32 years, serving in many overseas theaters including Europe and the Pacific Rim countries as well as two combat tours in Vietnam. The general has been a military analyst on television and radio for several years.">Less ↑
The Stand Up America research team has learned from a senior and sensitive intelligence community source and official that President Obama did not know of the raid in Abbottabad to kill Osama bin Laden on May 1, 2011, until after the helicopters with SEAL Team Six had crossed into Pakistani airspace.
The U.S.’ most sophisticated deception techniques were used to make this very dangerous penetration into Pakistan without Pakistan knowledge. The president was notified at the golf course and called away, which is why he was in the strange seated position in the picture that documented the White House operation room event.
Director of Central Intelligence Leon Panetta was the key player who organized and supported this daring raid. He signed the “execute orders” with only a few people aware: Secretary of State Hilary Clinton, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, Adm. Bill Mullen and Gen. David Petraeus.
The White House was closed out of the decision because the president, through Valarie Jarrett, had turned down two or three other earlier proposals. The deputy of central intelligence and his covert planning team were extremely frustrated at all the denials and saw the opportunity slipping away, as implausible as it seems. Leon Panetta was driven to ensure a successful mission after the U.S. lost seven CIA officers on Jan. 4, 2010, in Afghanistan from the action of a Jordanian double agent. Panetta convinced his other principals to make the decision that was actually within his authority. He received their full-fledged support, but the president, according to the official, remained clueless on the mission, which was why he appeared so calm at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner the night before and why he was on the golf course when the helicopters crossed over Pakistani borders enroute to Abbottabad.
Leon Panetta is the leader who, in fact, made it happen – along with intelligence community professionals. Today, the intelligence community professionals hold Panetta in very high regard, as does the military in the Pentagon. History will treat him very well once the full story is released and the true events exposed.
This tremendously serious and sensitive information was relayed by a source who has been very frustrated with the continued dishonesty within the White House as it tries to be blame the intelligence community for the Libyan debacle in which Ambassador Chris Stevens and three other brave and dedicated Americans were murdered by an al-Qaida affiliate.
It is reported that frustration is at a boiling point within the agencies (particularly the State Department, the Department of Defense and the CIA) with the actions and cover-ups of the president and his administration hierarchy.
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