Nevsun Resources Ltd

Growing high grade, low cost Gold producer - projects in Eritrea, East Africa

Message: The trailblazers

The trailblazers

posted on May 08, 2008 06:40PM

The trailblazers

Kerry Banks, Financial Post Business Published: Tuesday, May 06, 2008

When John Clarke,president and CEO of Nevsun Resources Ltd., read the couriered letter from the Eritrean Ministry of Energy and Mines in his Vancouver office on Sept. 3, 2004, a shiver went down his spine. The letter instructed all foreign companies operating in the East African country to halt mineral exploration until further notice. No explanation was given.

For Clarke, the news was a serious blow. His junior gold producer had already invested millions of dollars on exploring and surveying in Eritrea, a small, funnel-shaped nation of five million wedged into the Horn of Africa between Ethiopia, Djibouti and Sudan. In fact, shortly before the work-stoppage order arrived, Nevsun had completed a 195-hole drill program near the village of Bisha that indicated it might have found the largest undeveloped gold and base-metals deposit on the African continent.

When long-distance phone calls shed no light on the situation, Clarke booked a flight to Asmara, the Eritrean capital. Ordinarily, trips to this former Italian colony were a pleasant experience for the CEO. Perched on a plateau at an altitude of 2,500 metres, Asmara's palm-lined avenues and bougainvillea-draped villas have prompted many to declare it the most beautiful city in Africa. However, on this visit Clarke had trouble enjoying the surroundings. Nevsun's TSX and AMEX-listed shares had just plunged from $4 to $2, wiping out more than $100 million in market capitalization. In the absence of any official explanation for the work stoppage, wild rumours were circulating: Some speculated the country was about to nationalize its resources; others predicted a renewal of war between Eritrea and Ethiopia or theorized that the U.S. and its European allies were going to use the country as a staging area for a "humanitarian" invasion designed to put a stop to genocidal atrocities in the Sudan.

After checking into a hotel in Asmara, Clarke met with Tesfai Ghebreselassie, the Eritrean Minister of Energy and Mines, in his office. Clarke had known Ghebreselassie, a former rebel commander in Eritrea's brutal War of Independence with Ethiopia, for 14 years. But during this conversation, Ghebreselassie was strangely evasive. He told Clarke he understood the headaches that the work stoppage order had created, but could not offer any more details at this time, other than to assure him that his company had done nothing wrong. "You will just have to be patient," said Ghebreselassie.

Another CEO might have found it impossible. But Clarke had been here before. Like an increasing number of Canadian resource executives now navigating the uncertain rules of doing business in a developing country in an unstable region, he and his Nevsun colleagues had dealt with other setbacks while trying to bring Eritrea's first modern mine in 70 years into production; most notably, the outbreak of a full-scale border war and the murder of one its employees. In time, they would get past this one as well.

How they've done so is instructive. And why they've stuck with it has been crystal clear since Nevsun published a 2006 feasibility study that showed the Bisha reserve contains more than one million ounces of gold, 10 million ounces of silver, nearly 750 million pounds of copper and over one billion pounds of zinc. Nevsun's current plan, based on gold extraction starting in 2010, forecasts positive cash flow in the first two years of the $250-million project of between $200 million and $300 million, possibly rising to $500 million in the third year of the mine's 10-year lifespan. However, until that happens, it's all just a forecast. And Eritrea being Eritrea, any number of things could happen to derail the project.

In the months that followed the 2004 stoppage, Clarke returned to Eritrea several times. From discreet inquiries, he got a sense that the impasse was temporary and that a mining review was being conducted. Although the phrase "mining review" in some African countries might be the prelude to a power grab, Clarke was confident that the government of Eritrean president Isaias Afewerki was not about to try anything underhanded. "They've always stuck to an honest policy," he says. "Things in Eritrea don't all go through the president, like in some other countries in Africa. There is a legal framework."

However, as the delay dragged on, it wreaked havoc on Nevsun's operations. The company lost most of its on-site staff, who moved on to other jobs, while a frustrated Clarke was unable to offer an explanation to shareholders or to the media, which was mistakenly reporting that Nevsun had been booted out of the country. The suddenness of the decree and the silence surrounding it also damaged Eritrea's already-shaky reputation with investors.

But the Eritreans would not be rushed. The Marxist-educated leadership was not well-versed in the nature of financial law and capitalism. Aware that it was sitting on what could become a world-class mining district and determined to look after its own interests, the Eritrean government hired some high-priced foreign lawyers and tax consultants and began hammering out a mining code.

The process took four months. In January 2005, the Eritrean Ministry of Energy and Mines invited Nevsun and the other firms affected by the work stoppage - Sanu Resources Ltd. of Vancouver, Sunridge Gold Corp. of Vancouver and Northern Mining Explorations Ltd. (now MDN Inc.) of Montreal - to Eritrea for a consultation. The ministry informed them that they could resume work, but cryptically stated that "applicable laws had been thoroughly reviewed in order to ensure mutual benefit to the State of Eritrea and its exploration and development partners." For Nevsun, that meant that the government had decided to raise its ownership stake in Bisha from 10% to 40%.

The government formed the Eritrean National Mining Co. (ENAMCO) for the purpose of holding ownership interests and to promote the mining industry in the country. ENAMCO agreed to pay the "full fair value" for its new stake in the project - an amount to be determined by an independent valuator when the first gold is shipped. To allay nervousness from financial institutions lending money to Nevsun, Eritrea put some cash up front, believed by analysts to be about $25 million. This provided Nevsun with some immediate capital funding, and the Eritreans also agreed to fund a third of the mine's capital costs.

According to analyst Stefan Ioannou of Haywood Securities, "The deal was a huge milestone for Nevsun. It sets the precedent for other mining companies in Eritrea. Bisha is the template." Even though Nevsun will receive less of the mine's profit, the government's participation works to Nevsun's advantage, he says, because "it's in the best interests of the government to get things done quickly since they share in the cash flow." Now, the fate of the Vancouver company and the East African government were inextricably intertwined. While it waited for the government to review the project and issue a mining licence, Nevsun didn't waste any time getting its drill rigs back at Bisha.

"Eritrea has gotten under my skin," smiles John Clarke. It's March 2008, and the president and CEO of Nevsun Resources Ltd. is seated in the conference room of his company's headquarters in downtown Vancouver. The walls are decorated with pieces of African art, a legacy of the 15 years that Clarke spent working in sub-Saharan Africa with gold miner Ashanti Goldfields Co. Ltd. (now AngloGold Ashanti Ltd.) A large wooden tribal mask hangs directly behind him. The effect is slightly unsettling, as though two faces are staring back at you - one round and pale with close-cropped hair and a salt and pepper beard and moustache; the other long, dark and fearsome, its narrowed eyes adorned with paint.

Clarke, a Vancouver-based Welshman with a Ph.D. in metallurgy from Cambridge University, dates the seeds of his infatuation with Eritrea back to 1994, when he visited the country to develop contacts for Ashanti shortly after it won its independence from Ethiopia, after a 30-year guerrilla war. The conflict left the nation impoverished and eager to encourage investment and development. Clarke was impressed with the culture, the peaceful coexistence of various religious groups, the friendliness of the people - and its untouched mining potential. "It was wide open," says Clarke," spreading his arms for emphasis.

At that point in time, there weren't many Western companies willing to look for minerals in Africa. But today, Africa is a hot destination. Spending on exploration in "the Dark Continent" has quintupled in the past five years, and more than $45 billion in new mining investments is expected over the next five years. Canadian mining companies will likely contribute $13 billion of that total and currently represent 24% of all the exploration expenditures in Africa. In the process, foreign companies are entering into delicate relationships with African governments, which are often suspicious of their intentions, given that much of the resource exploitation on the continent has not benefitted local inhabitants.

The reason for the surge of interest in Africa is simple: The continent is virgin territory. "In a country like Peru, every rusty rock has been handled by a geologist," says Demetrius Pohl, vice-president of exploration for Sanu Resources, which is also exploring for gold and base metals in the Bisha region. "In Africa, you're still able to find deposits that are outcroppings. You can find them by eyesight - no brains needed."

But though it may be easy to find enticing deposits on the continent, making the leap into production is fraught with hazards. "In Africa, the risk factor is very high," admits Ioannou, "but the trade-off is that the geology is so rich. There are fantastic economics if you can get a mine up and running."

Clarke's interest in East Africa was reignited after being appointed president and CEO of Nevsun in 1997. He quickly secured a licence to search for base metals in Eritrea's arid western lowlands. Those initial exploration efforts came to an abrupt halt in 1998, when a clash with Ethiopia over a town called Badme erupted into a two-year border war that claimed 70,000 lives. While the guns boomed, Nevsun focused its attention on another mining property on the other side of the continent - its Tabakoto gold mine in Mali, the West African country that ranks as the continent's third-largest gold producer.

Two and a half years passed before Ethiopia and Eritrea signed a deal to end the war, in 2000. Nevsun resumed its exploration in the Horn of Africa, and soon discovered the world-class volcanogenic massive sulphide deposit at Bisha.

Nevsun was in its second phase of drilling and surveying at Bisha three years later when Tim Nutt, a veteran British geologist who was mapping the remote area near Bisha for the company, failed to return to the camp. Nutt had only been employed by Nevsun for a few weeks, but he had known the company's management for almost two decades. Later that day, April 12, 2003, a search party found Nutt's burning car on an isolated road, 15 kilometres from Bisha; his body was discovered in a dry stream bed nearby. His hands and feet were tied and his throat had been cut. Ironically, only days before moving from Asmara to the camp at Bisha, Nutt had e-mailed his family in South Africa, saying the city was the safest he'd ever visited in Africa.

Suspects were detained by police, but the murder was never solved. Eritrean officials blamed the attack on the Eritrean Islamic Jihad Movement, and its "sponsor," Sudan, labelling it an "act of terrorism" designed to discourage investment in Eritrea. Clarke calls the incident tragic, but insists it is "something that could have happened anywhere." He says his employees now travel with security supplied by the Eritrean government. "There is a small military camp near our base. They are well-trained, not in-your-face, but they can step it up quickly if needed."

The year following the murder, Nevsun finally had some good news to report. In 2004, the junior company ramped up its efforts in Mali, starting construction of the Tabakoto gold mine. Two years later, Nevsun began extracting its first gold from the site. But things did not go as planned. The grade of ore was less than expected, and according to Nevsun, the mine was hindered by the poor performance of the mining contractor and the failure of the government of Mali to reimburse approximately US$7 million in fuel tax. In September 2007, production was halted and the money-losing mine was put on care and maintenance, costing Nevsun a write-off of $90 million in assets. In March 2008, Nevsun entered into an agreement to sell the mine to Toronto's Avion Resources Corp. for $20 million. "It's definitely a blot on our company book," admits Clarke, "but it does show our ability to build." Given Nevsun's experience in Mali, some analysts and investors remain skeptical about the company's prospects in Eritrea, a fact reflected in the failure of Nevsun's share price to rise.

Nevsun issued a proud press release in December 2007, more than three years after the work stoppage, declaring it had reached an agreement with the Eritrean government. The company and the government had finally worked out details of their partnership in terms of operations and financing, and a mining licence would be issued soon. It arrived a month later.

Despite the cooperation of the government, Nevsun vice-president of exploration, Bill Nielsen, admits that bringing Bisha to fruition will be challenging. "The site is basically in a desert with temperatures reaching 40C to 50C." The project will require construction of a power plant and a storage and loading facility at the port of Massawa, 340 kilometres away. Nevsun has enlisted an engineering firm, Senet Engineering of South Africa, and is arranging financing with the aid of Endeavour Financial Corp., as it moves forward with construction.

In March 2008, the company received a sobering reminder of the dangers of Eritrea. A Nevsun worker was injured when his Land Cruiser ran over a land mine, thought to have been a relic from the War of Independence. Nevsun claims it has since been assured that the government had swept the area for other mines.

Many observers believe the greatest obstacle that Nevsun faces is the uncertainty surrounding the country in which it set up shop. During the border war, the transport links to Ethiopia - which were the mainstay of the economy - were destroyed. Inflation is rampant, and the regime of Isaias Afewerki, a man whom Bill Clinton once dubbed a "renaissance African leader," has become increasingly authoritarian. Elections have been cancelled and the only legal political party is the sardonically named Popular Front for Democracy and Justice. Politicians critical of the government have been jailed, all private media have been shut down and members of religious minorities have been imprisoned and tortured.

Meanwhile, relations with Ethiopia remain edgy. Since 2000, a United Nations force of 1,700 peacekeepers and military observers had been stationed along a 25-kilometre-wide buffer zone on the border to separate the two armies. But in December 2007, the UN was forced to pull out most of its troops when Eritrean authorities, frustrated by the UN's refusal to enforce the 2002 international ruling that awarded the town of Badme to Eritrea, cut off their food and fuel. Last month, United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon warned that if the remaining 164 peacekeepers withdraw, war could break out again. The Canadian government is currently advising against non-essential travel to Eritrea, saying that, due to tensions between the two countries, violence could erupt without notice.

The future of Nevsun itself could also change radically. There have been rumours of a buyout by Lundin Mining Corp., a Vancouver company that owns six mines, and which also has a stake in both Sanu Resources and Sunridge Gold, two other firms active in Eritrea. Although Clarke claims his focus is to build, he admits that a buyout is a possibility. Considering that analysts believe the bid price might be about 20% over Nevsun's current market value, it would not be an unwelcome development. "That's all part of the sex appeal of investing in your company," says Clarke.

John Doody, editor of the newsletter Gold Stock Analyst, feels that Nevsun would have already been bought out if this project wasn't in Eritrea. He senses that Nevsun will be taken out at some point, perhaps by Lundin, which he describes as an "aggressive, swashbuckling company." In fact, Doody suspects that Lundin has recently purchased shares in Nevsun. "Right now, it's a waiting game. Lundin is watching to see if Nevsun can finance the project on its own. This is really the test case for Eritrea."

Clarke remains confident about the Bisha project, encouraged by the Eritrean government's commitment. "They're paying their own way, matching one dollar for every two from us." He says that the mine's mills have been purchased, and the next step is to install them, update the cost estimates, raise funds for the project and start building. The target date for extracting gold remains two years away, but what transpires after that point is anyone's guess. Given the volatile series of events that have plagued the political and economic situation in the region - plus Nevsun's own checkered track record - you can count on some problems in Bisha's future. However, one thing is for certain. If Nevsun does begin hauling shiny ore out of the sun-blasted desolation of western Eritrea, other mining companies, including the industry giants, will be quick to follow in the company's footsteps.

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