QQ, Your posts are very enlightening to say the least. When is the IBK deal? Is that not happening tomorrow? And if it is, are we not expecting some news or an announcement?
We should here something by Friday!
I 'm mad at myself for not attending but I knew I'd get snowed in. Ricter couldn't make it from Windsor so that tells me there was one heck of a storm around there.
Investors who first attend at this board do not realize or grasp the cohesion here. Many investors are taken aback by our unity. I suppose they figure we should be bickering with each other all day. In short order, (generally 1 post lol) and they feel the welcome or the scorn and both hit hard.
I am very proud to be associated with each and every one of you. Your names are embedded in my mind for life and I will think of these times with great fondness.
Actually, when I suggested a board of this caliber I was informed it would be impossible with the human species being what it is. Well they were wrong. We now have a board and a group that most investors would give their eye teeth to be part of.
Someone mentioned earlier how much knowledge they had gleaned from this forum. I second that. Perhaps the ones who got and are still getting the most out of this board are we older types.
So thank you all for everything. I feel like 40 again!......Don