Thanks for the post. The information is the same as I heard before except that the hole was referred to as DD-1 which I assume is DDH-1 on the Probe/Canstar -- FNC map. If the two holes are the same the hole, it was collared about 200 meters south of what FNC is calling their FNC1-4 anomoly. It was also drilled in a SSE direction towards an anomoly labelled '1' . If that is accurate then the FNC anomolies FNC1-3 and 1-4 have not been drilled nor anything close.
Now whether a stock is worth ~$3 based on its proximity is debatable. They are either going to win big or fizzle. Personally I don't like companies that don't spend their dollars in the ground. Time and drilling will tell if the FNC holders made the right decision.
... Been There