NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: not/bmk


posted on Jan 07, 2009 05:42PM

I was not hugely surprised at the big jump in Noront yesterday since is so ridiculously underpriced. The return of some sanity was bound to happen sooner or later to bring in buyers. I have to admit I just didn't understand the also big increase in bmk. I had quite a lot of bmk and sold a wack of it at a loss (sold at 5.5 cents with an average of 42 cents). I kept 13,000 shares. I was sick of looking at it decline and unlike Noront there was no proven reserves. I've been racking my brains trying to figure out why the increase in BMK. I understood wanting Not and Fwr, spq, kwg and others and maybe wanting a tiny bit of BMK just for the land package. BMK went up more than I expected yesterday.

I don't know if metalex/wsr(now whitepine), arctic star has anything to do with it.

Please read the below from the MTX site:

"During fiscal 2008, the Company acquired, by staking, an interest in several claims located in the James Bay lowlands area of Northeastern Ontario. The Properties are strategically located on and around the “Ring of Fire” and cover approximately 36 square kilometres (8,944 acres) of ground. Based on geophysical work completed by Metalex and Arctic Star, there are 33 high priority Volcanic Massive Sulphide (“VMS”) drill ready targets that have been identified and staked.

In March 2008, the Company and Arctic Star entered into a farm-in agreement whereby WSR Gold Inc. (“WSR”) can earn up to a 50% interest in certain mineral claims (regulatory approval subsequently granted in May 2008). Certain of these claims were previously included as part of the Kyle Lake project. Under the terms of the agreement, WSR has the right to earn up to a 50% interest in the project by funding up to $20,000,000 in expenditures on the property over a 4 year period. For each $5,000,000 in expenditures, WSR will acquire a 12.5% interest in the property.

By mid 2008, an aggressive exploration program was underway. An airborne helicopter magnetic and electromagnetic geophysical survey was completed over most of the joint venture’s claims. Ground geophysical studies over anomalies identified on the airborne survey have been conducted and 21 electromagnetic anomalies with a sympathetic magnetic response have been identified, as well as 19 with just electromagnetic anomalies.

Drilling commenced on the targets that have been refined by ground geophysics in mid-May 2008. Anomaly number 5.01 was the first tested and several holes have intersected significant widths of sulphide mineralization.

The best intercept to date is in hole number six which intersected 95 meters of semi-to-near-massive sulphides from 72.7 meters. Visible copper, zinc, lead and iron sulphide mineralization is typical of the deposit.

Analysis of the mineralized core at ALS Chemex confirmed the significant mineralization seen visually. Significant intersections include:

· DDH5.01-06 intersected near-massive to massive sulphides from 65-167m downhole for a length of 102m averaging 6.5% Zn, 0.44% Cu, 0.19% Pb, and 3 g/t Ag. Included within this section, from 99.7-125.7m, for a length of 26m, the zone averaged 13.8% Zn, 0.50% Cu, 0.05%Pb, and 2 g/t Ag.

· DDH5.01-14 intersected similar near-massive to massive sulphides from 83.0-120.0m downhole for a length of 37.0m, averaging 6.0% Zn, 0.34% Cu, 0.05% Pb and 6 g/t Ag. Included in this section, from 103.0-111.0m, for a length of 8m, the zone averaged 17.4% Zn, 0.24% Cu, 0.04% Pb and 5 g/t Ag.

· DDH5.01-15 intersected similar near-massive to massive sulphides from 158.8-184.2m downhole, for a length of 25.4m, averaging 7.6% Zn, 0.35% Cu, 0.36% Pb, and 8 g/t Ag.

A second phase of drilling comprising 17 holes totaling 5,095.5m has been completed. To date 42 holes totaling 10,785.9 meters have been drilled on the 5.01 project. 719 samples from the second phase of drilling have been sent for analysis and the results are awaited.

Mineralization, alteration and the geological environment at the 5.01 anomaly appears to be typical of a Noranda-Mattabi-style VMS (Volcanogenic Massive Sulphide) deposit. The mineralized zone appears to subcrop beneath approximately 15 meters of glacial till. The massive sulphide occurrence is still open up and down dip in areas, as drilling has failed to close off the upper or lower plunge of the deposit. The strike length has been extended to almost 200 meters, with a vertical depth extension of 275 meters from a near surface depth of 10 meters. The width of the zone varies from 3 to 22 meters with an approximate average of 12 to 15 meters.

Additional ground and airborne geophysical studies are planned over the 5.01 project area. The results of these surveys, in conjunction with the results of the completed drilling will guide future work. "

719 samples are awaited? Could they be great? BMK/wsr, Noront all have property/JV around the north west part of the ROF. Right after the first hit announcement by MTX, Noront's new map showed they had increased claims in that area.

At first I thought part of the excitment was Noront's assay's back for the find under DE1 but then the big increase in BMK threw me off. Then I got to thinking about MTX and the neighbours next to them. MTX not so long ago gave themselves stock options at 10cents.

I'd appreciate any discussion on the topic. My rantings on a Wednesday night.

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