Sum4all you wrote...
"I feel a lot will be selling out their position and moving it into FWR , SPQ etc. They will accept their loss and move into a progressive well managed company. I know ....beyond the shadow of doubt that I will be.............."
That would be an emotional response that the big boys would joyously be awaiting and it plays right into their hands. It's exactly what they would expect you to do. You sell.... they buy..... they win. Keep your eye on the ball or rather on what's in the ground. It hasn't changed...the value is still there. Rule #1: Leave your emotions at the door when you enter the trading room.
Agree 100%, selling out now just because of theses a..wholes cancelling Agoracom contract plays right into their hand. I too love Agoracom and all that George has provided but, I did not buy into Noront because of Agoracom and further more the last time I heard someone (I forget who) having talked to RIchard Nemis, his advise was same as before "hang on to your shares"
This action now is only one paragraph in the story yet to be told!!!
P.S. Chin up George and thanksfor all your great work!