"Sum,It amazes me that for someone who is constanly giving deep pyscological advice on this forum to so many, that you and a few others are not able to accept differing opinions, and let them be expressed freely."
Nothing deep about it Jacki. It's everyday common and exists in everyone's lives moment by moment. People just don't like to face up to looking into it which is why we progress as we do....or don't. Your assertion about me and opinions is not quite accurate either. My throwing ideas out there for people to digest has nothing to do with me not accepting different opinions. I accept that people have the opinions that they do and I counter with other possibilities to affect positive change if I can. I don't have to agree with your opinions though your opinions are your business. Likewise I don't worry about what people say about my posts. They are exercises in jousting at the most at times. I don't know them, the posts here are just words on a page, some useful and others not. So remember that you have entered a public forum and in so doing you put your thinking architecture up to scrutiny.
My everyday work involves lots of people contacts and a great deal of psychology and how to implement positive change. I have a great deal of experience in dealing with manipulative language which enters under the guise of meaning something else. Most everything people put out there has some kind of subtext. All posters should be aware that they often reveal much of what bothers them....more than just stocks and PPs.
So Jacki, are you still surprised?