NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: An Idea..A Club.

An idea occured to me this morning that could benefit many of us here on this board.

We know the share price is worth multiples of where it is right now.

So why don't we buy more shares at the current price?

I bet the answer many of us will give is, "I don't have any more money left to buy."

Why not find ways to make more money and thereby have the ability to buy more shares?

So, how do we make more money?

My idea is this.

Let's use the Off topic forum.

Let's start a club.

We can call it, "Tell me what you do and tell me what you need."

After years of posting here and meeting some of the posters, I feel a sense of sister and brotherhood towards all of you. I don't think I am alone in my feelings. I buy and need stuff all the time. If I knew you were offering the product or service...I would rather give you...a Noront shareholder ...the business.

The current share price is a bargain. Let's spend this weekend thinking outside of the box a bit. Let's find ways to benefit eachother in a positive way.

All of us have a talent in something. Tell us about it on the off topic forum.

As an example, maybe you are retired. Can you do on-line tutoring for someone that needs help in a certain discipline for a fee?

Are you an accountant? How about offering your services in the O/T club.

Are you a general contractor? Are you a lawyer? Are you a hair dresser, massage therapist? Do you remove trees? Do you hem pants? Do you sell welding rods? Can you weld? Can you bake cakes? Can you organize children's birthday parties? Can you petsit?Can you design blogs? webdesign? Do resumes? Do you paint houses? Can you cut lawns?

Can you train someone to better utilize their blackberry or iphone? Can you fix computers?

Are you a marketing specialist with a bit of free time, available to offer your services to someone for some extra money.

I had the pleasure of meeting Strato last Fall in Burlington. What a great musician, what a great singer. If he is interested and has the time...his band would be great at a company function or private function!! How about a bit of Ring of Fire tunes at the next AGM? Maybe Wes would be interested if asked. Strato...if you're out there...what about approaching Christine Kaszycki about offering some tunes before or inbetween the Chamber of Commerce presentations she is doing? How about belting out the Ring of Fire song ...to achieve more impact during her presentation? If I was her I would hire you if you approached me with the idea.

Think of what you are capable of.

Do you have something to sell that's in good condition?Let us know about it on the Off topic forum. We can become the Noront -Off topic- Ebay for skills and goods.

Each one of you is a talented and unique individual. Participate in this club. Let's make some money and have a bit of fun.

Instead of lamenting about the current share price which is a temporary condition. Let's

help eachother and find ways to buy more shares.

As I type this I am getting more and more excited. Let's do this!

I will start first. I will tell you what I do for a living. If you can help me ...I will help you.

Then, I will tell you what I currently need to buy. Maybe I can help you.

See you on the off topic forum.

Cheers to everyone.

Ingrid Babjak

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