ANL - Thanks! That was excactly the background info I was looking for, and your answer
My current opinion is that an infrastructure plan along with funding and an approved EA including the East/West road should resolve many issues - one of them being able to list on the main TSX board. There's the possibility of that all happening before the end of this year.
is precise, and to the point. Thanks again. Now it will be interesting to see which of the two issues (approval of the EA or the infrastructure plan with funding) are resolved first.
Although the EA approval might be hard to get, it is an process that NOT has at least some control over, hence we can expect it to move forward as quickly as possible, and hopefully so that NOT can start mine construction this coming winter without delay.
As far as the infrastructure plan with funding goes, I haven't been impressed by the pace of decitionmaking by the provincial government, who at least until the devco is established has the sole initiative for moving the RoF forward. Consequently I fear that this will be the last requirement to be resolved. What could be really damaging to NOT, was if it was delayed for so long that NOT would have to raise capital for mine construction, before listing on the main exchange was possible.
Another thing that bothers be is; could the NOT BoD for tactical reasons choose not to apply for listing (to accomodate RCF and Baosteel) even after the requirements were met, thus keeping the price of NOT shares low, in order for them to get a bigger part of NOT when raising capital, consequently diluting the retail shareholders more than if NOT had been listed on the main exchange - or is that too far out??
Also thanks for the kind words about my background knowledge about NOT and language skills. I've been a NOT investor since 2007, but I did not start following the discussion forum untill about 18 months ago, and I can thank the many expert posters for educating me on NOT to the point where I have been confident in increasing my holding exponentially last year, so that I now have a +100% profit. Thanks again all of you!