NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: A reminder.

A friend of mine that attended the PDAC and spoke to the Noront Geologist was told the following:

"There are almost NO retail invested in Noront...mainly institutional investors."

Keeping this in mind ask yourself why?

Here is some history below from Gerwin and me.

What was suprising to me back in 2010 was the fact that the institutional ownership INCREASED at the same time as the price was trending LOWER.

It is not suprising to me to hear there is almost NO retail in Noront after the years of "beatings."

But ask yourself why the institutions are here. Why have they so brutally pushed retail out?

It this stock was a Piece of poop ...they'd be getting out and selling to ....US.

We know how big and valuable this discovery is. The only way to push us out is to exhaust us and make us forget how valuable each share really is.

They have done a great job in accumulating at low prices. The most recent assault on the shares price is a job well done by this crew.


I mentioned to you folks in a previous post (March 23, 2016) that I watched WHO was selling as a hint as to who participated in the recent Private placement. ON March 15, 2016 i saw some selling by Euro Pacific Canada Inc. (This is Peter Schiff ..folks)

I mentioned to you that in his most recent book he mentions Canada and he has this very interesting tidbit

My Favorite part is from page 219

Special situations,

"Although not a sector in the strict sense, always

exist as opportunities to be stumbled upon. I’m talking

here about stocks that have been around for a while and have

good management, but, for whatever reason, are out of favor or
simply being ignored. Interestingly, the number of companies

that go off the radar screen like that but are basically sound and
available at bargain prices has increased as the mutual funds and

other managers competing on the basis of quarterly performance
stop buying them and stop following them. You just have to find



Noront exactly fits Schiff's description:

has it been around for a while? YES

does it have good management? YES

Is it being ignored for "whatever reason"? (Yes, had the crap kicked out of it for years while at the same time the deposits ...GREW..resulting in utter frustration so.....Absolutely YES YES YES)

Has it been off the radar? Absolutely YES YES YES (who reads the sudbury Star or news in Timmins or the Nugget????) Why does Ma and Pa in the Greater Toronto Areas still not know about this stock???

Is the stock sound. YES. It's very well diversified in it's metals in a stable country.

Is it available at a bargain price. HELL YES.

Have mutual funds and other managers stopped buying them due to shit quarterly performance. HELL YES....allowing private institutions to gobble them up.

Schiff mentions...these are the good stocks you just have to find them. Well Folks ..the few of us remaining Retail are here invested in Noront alongside the every growing private institutional investors ..because we know as Peter Schiff has detailed...that our Noront Stock is a "special Situation."

Retail vs Institutions

posted on Apr 19, 10 08:28AM

When i look at the Noront website i see that on 31 januari 2010 the percentages are;

Management 2%
Institutional 55%
Retail 43%

Unchanged since december 08

The latest presentation states (april 2010);

Management 2%
Institutional 59%
Retail 38%

Does it matter for Noront if shares are held by institutions or not?
Is this their way of securing the company and make sure that the institutions get at least 60% or whatever magical percentage needed for some "special actions" ?

Trying to figure it out ;-) Just dont get it why they try to scare retail away.
They seem to be doing a good job at that



low ball offer for Noront.my opinion

posted on Aug 15, 12 03:31PM Use the IP Check tool[?]

These has been some posts worrying about a low ball offer for Noront.

My opinion is.....no way.

The time for that type of thing...expired a LONG time ago.

Back in 2010 you had some hints. They were given to you in the Noront Corporate presentations found on the website back in 2010. There are still some of the presentations on the website. If you click on the April 2010 and May 10 2010 presentations ,,,you will see an institutional ownership of 59%.

The prior corporate presentations are no longer on the website. If they were still there you would see older presentations showing you 55% institutional ownership.

55% went to 59% and at the SAME time the price was trending down. Retail was shrinking and Institutional ownership was growing.

Well it worked didn't it?? Push the price down and increase ownership. So, if the institutional owners want more shares...why not do more of the same. Keep pushing the price down. Worked in 2010 didn't it? If the price was moving in a rational manner would you be selling to them??

Many have complained about lack of info and the feeling that management doesn't keep you in the loop. Your complaints are valid. Don't you come to this site to keep updated on Noront. To find bits and pieces of news that is not handed to you on a plate on a frequent basis by Noront. How many have complained that they(Noront) should be doing this?

But, why would they? If you were kept in the loop ...you'd have more confidence of your investment...and would have a bigger probability of Not hitting the sell button when the price was trending lower.

Why is institutional ownership better than retail for this little junior? It's for the reason of prevention of crappy lowball offer. Look at the crash of 2008. look at some of the ridiculous share prices of the large majors. Did you see the price of Teck Resources? Did you see what price level it fell to...like many others? How about Ivanhoe Mines? So many examples. Surely, these prices should have brought a feeding frenzy in buy outs.

Teck resources for under $5.00 per share??Wow. Someone should have offered $10.00? Nobody would bother because the "type"of share ownership would prevent this ridiculousness. The accountants, lawyers, analysts would say NO WAY. Retail might go for it or not even bother to vote should a hostile bid come in.

Look at Sask's Potash...the gov't overturned the lowball bid.

Now look at Noront. The time for a cheap grab was BEFORE the institutional ownership ballooned to a high level.

The time for a cheap grab was BEFORE the gov't's became aware of a project that they call "once in a century." Do you really think with the millions of dollars the gov't's are going to spend in ROF infrastructure and training of the First Nations that they would simply turn their back to a lowball thieving offer?? Didn't happen with Potash..did it?.

The ROF is a national treasure..like Potash to this country.

It's way too late for low ball. Way too late. Too many strong hands in the know and the gov't's involvement has made this too public a project.

I still remember the early posters on the Agora Noront board telling of the gut wrentching price moves of Voisey's Diamond Fields. ..Price dips were horrifying. You had to have the gut of a raccoon. I remember one poster mentioning this share price loss and then selling when the price was slightly above break even..if only I could have know

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