NI 43-101 Update (September 2012): 11.1 Mt @ 1.68% Ni, 0.87% Cu, 0.89 gpt Pt and 3.09 gpt Pd and 0.18 gpt Au (Proven & Probable Reserves) / 8.9 Mt @ 1.10% Ni, 1.14% Cu, 1.16 gpt Pt and 3.49 gpt Pd and 0.30 gpt Au (Inferred Resource)

Message: tinman


Thank you for your post and the reminder of how important South Africa is to the ROF.


"From a continental perspective, over three-quarters (76.5%) of Canadian exports by value were sent to its North American trade partners namely the United States and Mexico."


It is clear from the link above how important the USA is to the economic well being of Canada....and how big a gun they carry.

Trump is supposed to decide by tomorrow the status of the section 232 investigation into uranium.

Link below:


Trump's thinking is this ....

He does not want to get into a situation where  "certain" countries flood the market with Stuff that is subsidized to be "temporarily cheap" to put local  companies out of business. The fear is once you have no domestic supply...the price goes UP.

Or companies that supply stuff in a very high polluting way at a much lower cost...again, putting companies that care about the environment or are forced to by the countries they operate in out of business due to higher cost production.

Eventually,  those countries have to change the way they do things resulting in big price increases and product disruptions while retrofits take place. Think South Africa.


Tinman, following what is going on in South Africa...is of the utmost importance if you are invested in Rof stocks.

With the eco-justice, high levels of pollution, Eskom being told it is breaking the law by emitting higher than allowable  levels  pollution, the 15 coal plants that need emission scrubbers  to clean coal power generation, which means money and downtime...the demand for alternate clean energy, the mining unions wanting more money..and safer working conditions...the worry of Eskom load shedding etc... the massive debt Eksom has accumulated...etc.

When thinking about the above situation in South Africa...if you rely on Chromium from that country which the USA largely does... they SHOULD BE SCARED. 

When you think about the money Trump and Pelosi are wanting to spend on fixing and rebuilding bridges.

When we go back to the nace study on corosion.


"Cost of Corrosion Annually in the US Over $1.1 Trillion in 2016

Corrosion will cost the US economy over $1.1 trillion in 2016.

That’s one of the largest expenditures we make, and it’s all going down the drain. The total annual corrosion costs in the U.S. rose above $1 trillion in the middle of 2013, illustrating the broad and expensive challenge that corrosion presents to equipment and materials and is now estimated at $1.1 trillion for 2016."


what is the cost now for corrosion? How much stainless will be needed for rebuilding bridges and for repairing them?

you need  1 tonne of ferrochrome to make  3.5 tonnes of stainless

The ratio of chromite ore to ferrochrome has increased over the years and it's now 3- 3.5 tonnes of chromium to make 1 tonne of ferrochrome (page 11 of 34 in link below)



In summary, if it gets "uglier" in south Africa...the USA will most certainly act..since chromium is listed as strategic to USA.

And since we are the USA's largest partner...we will accelerate the speed of development at the ROF if the USA needs us to.

Words like National security..will change everything.


Tinman, please keep posting anything you see regarding South africa, Eskom etc. because since 90% of the Chromite reserves reside there...it is  MOST relevance ...to shareholders of ROF stocks.

Jul 12, 2019 06:13PM
Jul 12, 2019 06:24PM
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