Copper - Gold - Molybdenum project in Alaska

Northern Dynasty's principal asset is the Pebble Project in southwest Alaska, USA, an initiative to develop one of the world's most important mineral resources.

Message: corruption is alive and well in Alaska

It,s a pity that one rich individual who,s not even a native Alaskan can believe that he actually owns Alaska and can buy whatever he wants in order to preserve his own Valhalla(fishing lodge).I wonder if any of those so called environmentalist realizes that in order to build renewable energies,they will need great amounts of coppers.One single wind turbine requires at least four tons of coppers.Where will these coppers come from?I urge every NAK NDM investors join forces with the American resources policy network-a group of non-profit American scientists who works in D C to promote domestic energy supplies for Americans.They are also fighting for Pebble.By the way,I won't worry too much about the vote in October in order to deny the right for a mine at Pebble.It,s situated on state land and the land was specially designated for mining purposes.The Alaskan state government own the land and mineral rights,not the federal government .The local borough community does not decide rights and regulation of any proposed mine.When it,s eventually time for the highest court to decide,Pebble and the Alaskan Government will prevail.Legally,these NGOs don't have a leg to stand on.

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