Sheltered Oak supposed to be planning a 2009 drilling program. No idea when that may be.
In the meantime, more pending EXS-v Eastford Lake - Lynx Gold Zone results to watch for. EXS-v completed modelling of the initial holes and discovery they have coined 'Lynx Gold Zone'. Drilling was announced/started on February 25, 2009. The new discovery trends N-NW (i.e. directly towards SGX-OAK Kerrs property) and is only a few hundred meters from claim boundary. Everything north of property boundary in previous map belongs to SGX-OAK. SGX-OAK have never drill tested this 'southern' are of Kerrs. Likely awating results of EXS-v programs. Hopefully SGX-OAK next drilling phase will include at least a few holes to test EXS-v discovery.
EXS-v has been trading relatively strongly to the upside as of late. May have something to do with these pending results?
From EXS-v Feb 25. 2009 NR:
"The new drilling is designed to test the strike and depth of the high grade visible gold vein that was initially discovered in hole No. EG-09-07 and the recently drilled wedge holes. The main vein of the Lynx gold zone contains visible gold, and appears to strike in a north-northwesterly direction and to dip steeply to the south-southwest."