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Message: Good volume and price strength

Good volume and price strength

posted on Apr 22, 2009 06:56AM

I just bought into OPTI after a bit of research. I had notice the heavy volume recently and the positive direction of the price over the last month. Then I read the April 3rd article in the Calgary Herald that talked about OPTI being a prime takeover candidate by one of the big oil companies.

I then went to read some other articles and review some of the info on OPTI's web site. I think the following quote from the above-mentioned article is correct:

"Opti won’t be around by the end of the year," said Will Lee, an analyst at CIBC World Markets Inc. in Calgary. "There’s a huge motivation for oil companies to get together now."

Since OPTI was a $25/share company a year ago, and is around $2/share now, I figured I couldn't go wrong with this one, especially knowing the likelihood of their being bought out (which always raises the share price).

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