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Message: Dan10, your removed post is just fine here!
Posted by: Dan10
In reply to: None
Date:3/30/2013 4:52:52 PM
Post #90251 of 90251

There are post everyday by regulars. This tells me they either have nothing to do in their private lives or ..... I do believe this company will either make us some money or bust. I have been invested for quite sometime and to late to sell now. However, I believe this product is needed by the drivers on the road. This software maybe the answer or someone else develops a better product. I hope it is this one because of my investment. However, if it isn't then so be it and I will move on and suck up all my loses. You win some and you lose some. Crying everyday about Keith gets us nowhere. This is way bigger then Keith. The idea is great but a product needs to be developed to save lives. Saving a life is what this is all about.
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