Its posts like this one below that should be considered a violation as they are flat out pumping and it was actually repeated more than once this past weekend. Someone had too much koolaid over the weekend. All my other stocks are up, tsx is up, even the venture is up the last few trading sessions and OPL is down with no volume. Come on, please get your head out of the clouds. We all want a great result in the end, but get realistic.
"Now I hope you all have the proper mindset, $70 +/sh.
People will say they're crazy it's only $.50 /sh
and then it will go to $2/sh and
People will say $70/sh. they're crazy
and institutions get involved and it will go to $5/sh and
People will say $70/sh they're crazy
and it will go to $10/sh and
People will say what a deal. I got to get some of those shares before they get to $100 a share. :-)
You know what we have flaunt it."