I'm sorry Junkers, but you have incorrectly read my initial post of the AGM. I did not report that there was offer made. What I did note, based on what I heard, was the following. "I would guess they have had an offer but it was so low it was insignificant." I have no idea if an offer was made or not, just sounded like a good possibility. Only my perception.
Oogee, as to when the chips would likely be "showcased", I don't recall any specific timeframe given for chips, accompanied by POET staff, to be showcased. However, I do believe specific white papers needed to be created for individual interetsed parties based on their needs/uses of POET. It is my understanding these white papers would go with the package of chip and staff person on site.
Certainly, it was stated that activity via the "dog and pony show" would start happening in July. Was this comment related to chips, papers and staff going on-site to potential buyers/licensees? I would say probably, but can't be sure.
As to whether or not any big boys have been shown the chips pre-AGM, I doubt it. Again, only my perception from what I heard, but there was great concern about the IP being jeopordized. It seemed to me, although not stated directly, that non-disclosures would need to be signed before anything formal was to take place.
I'm sorry, but thats all I can recall at this point. Hope it helps.