Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: we've breached .40

Most us probably have deducted by now, and if not, one would have to be prepared that the ms5 and 7 are late. I know as much as all of you (or less) so i have no extra info...just that if they are is not massive deal in my mind. We all know military is not concerned with shareholders optics of thier suppliers - they work on thier own scedule. The ms could be complete but sign off may not be "approved" by all the proper levels....who knows.

I am less concerned with the exact timing of these things just that whatever needs to happen to fully monetize - happens. R+D is not like drawing a straight line ...timing cannot be 100% pinned to a day. We know that taylor is working on 100nm so there are competing projects taking his time....

as for the insider marker...could be an error, pierphal needing some emergency cash,or something else. We don't know. Likely personal related.

Admittably i caught myself downbeat for a second today...but I realize i was thinking way too short term and tapping emotion vs. logic.

Nothing has fundimentally changed with the opportunity ahead....this could go for $3 or $30 (longshot- sorry turr)...but i know one thing - there are people/industries/corporations who will want own and use this technology in a big way.

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