Well actually the depression was over for most countries before the war started but the fact that war and desdruction is good for the economy runs parrallel with spending your way out of debt. Both, to my mind, are a contradiction of terms but seem to be fact.
Anyway the Americans and the rest of the world may not always be on the same wave length but I guarentee this when it comes to the U.S economy falling into depression because of debt or whatever you can bet the major economies of the world will do everything in their power to make sure this doesn't happen because they know and you and I know, as goes the the U.S economy so goes the world . Like it or not, and that's proven every single day as soon as the bell rings. That's the reason i think they will solve all their problems ( providing they can stay out of any major military deasters ,surely they've learned their lesson) long before any serious damage can occur...JMHO