Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: 50 cents

Flymeister, I hear you. A few years ago I bought into a small company that got bought out by Disney. My average was a great deal higher than the buy-out per share. It was a good fit for Disney, but while the small company had a good offering to the market by way of product, it was not anything earth shattering.

I'm sorry, but Poet seems much different. I think this is one small Canadian firm that will surprise many. Remember the Pellegrino valuation. While Management stated at the AGM there was no need for a re-do of the valuation, they also made it clear they would not hesitate to utilize them again in the future if need be. These guys know what they sitting on - literally.

Plus, I believe Taylor was added to the Board not just for his tech knowledge, but also to ensure everyone there realizes the value of the tech too. He won't let us be short-changed. He has way too much invested in cash, time and sweat equity to take just any deal.

Does that mean we get max payout? I dunno. But I'm guessing we will all be fairly comfortable with the arrangements if this tech is what we think.

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