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Message: TFSA
On the rev can website, "most" investments are tax free within a TFSA. There are qualified investments that are and those that are not. is a qualified investment. The rules are here: Two advisors just told me, the one thing that is not mentioned in the above site is the governments purview to deem someone's level of activity within a TFSA as taxable. There are individuals who have done very well investing in their TFSA. The now large withdrawals are being noticed and the gov is starting to crack down. Those actively trading within their TFSA may be considered trading as full time employment and therefore taxable income. That is a 50% hit. Given the governments penchant for guilty till proven otherwise this is something to keep in mind folks. I have all of my eggs right now in my TFSA basket in PTK. (I know "bad investor, shame on you") If by this summer or earlier we go to the moon and I end up with well over $2 million, I will have all of 3 transaction for 2014 as i will sit tight till the end. Hard to think they could look at that as full time gainful work. But for those that are doing lots of trading keep this in mind. No government like losing tax revenues. They are going after those active traders who will withdraw large sums because now they can or will and look like they are working to achieve it. GLTUA PbP (Powered by POET)((but didn't want to steal your tag Andrea) with deepest respect) Derek
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