Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: credibility lost here
As some old guy once told me,"No sense getting too upset over what you can not control." As we found out with the 20-J, there was and is much more going on behind the scenes than could not be reported. That hasn't changed. Of course the timing of the PP was not the best for the share price right now but as others eluded to, because of changes in R&D rates, therefore costs, we needed cash to get us to the prototype stage in June. Since that issue is now resolved, we move forward. Lots still to happen and many more surprises ahead. I don't have the direct knowledge of all the balls in the air to demand PTK to do this or that. All I can do is trust what they are doing is a necessity in achieving the end goal. If I didn't trust them I would be out and put my hard earned money elsewhere, not just post angry rants. Now where did I put my rose coloured glasses...... GLTUA Derek
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