Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: $.74

and that's all that really matters.

this is the point I was trying to make. a buyer or whatever across from the table now would be laughing from the negotiations perspective: hahaha c'mon just wait a while and you're out of dough, why should I deal now when I can scrape up the leftovers instead?

the new $5mil puts that scenario entirely to rest; PTK gets its full negotiating leverage back.

it could have been enormously worse in terms (think back to when LP had the kajones to put up all the POET IP as colateral to that bank of loan sharks). it's only 15MM at very reasonalbe f/d 82.5c ... not a bad lifeline at all. PinePigs on the BoD is a reason for pause, but the reality is that they're only one seat after all.

have to say, I'd much rather have this than the alternative.

it's like cod-liver oil.

sure we don't like it, but it'll darned well keep us healthy.

textbook how the market is overreacting, those in the know are scooping up stop-losses and feasting on the ballyhoo and panic.

don't feed 'em is all I can say.



krom>I dont mind this. I would rather see this now then have it come down to the wire and have them scramble to get enough money to keep opporating.

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