Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Anonymous high close insurance
In no part of my comment did I suggest there wasn't certain relations that afforded some with additional information that could be passed on to others for the benefit of all. I said we are in the dark. We are. If we were not, the PP and the 20-f would not have been such surprises for all here. My comment was primarily based on the suggestion that anon was doing something for some reason. There is no way to know who is buying and why if I can put in an anonymous order like others can. I assumed nothing. I assume that you have a passion and work very hard at trying to provide this forum with quality information. Sometimes I see ( what I believe to be) wishfull thinking. Nothing wrong with that. I just have have difficulty with some of the suppositions stated here. That's all. No offence intended FJ. Stay well Derek If a man falls in the forest do the trees see the irony?
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