Aiming to become the global leader in chip-scale photonic solutions by deploying Optical Interposer technology to enable the seamless integration of electronics and photonics for a broad range of vertical market applications

Message: Re: Check out the chart on ANY-V (Sphere 3D Corporation)

I agree fj, there are thousands of companies out there that can use poets products and they all need to be aware of poet so they can plan there products.

Also, most of the products these companies make, or at least in the phone, computer, electronics type stuff are in the pipeline for this year

Most of this type of stuff is already being developed for the fall, winter release, they work well ahead of the curve for delivery, so we need to have them know about poet now so the can start to schedule for intigration into there markets'

All this type of products take time to develop and integrate, so the sooner they can find out about poet, the sooner they can start to decide if this is the way they are going to go , or stay on there present path.

Big companies are typically slow to change, and even slower if they need to change there main ingredient, there is a lot of risk in changing a whole product line with technologhy that is not yet proven in ther product. so it also needs to be time tested.

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